Abdominal: relating to or near the middle region of the body
Sentence: She complained of shooting pains in the abdominal regions

Abdominous: having a large belly
Sentence: The abdominous man struggled to tie his shoelaces

Acrophobia: a morbid fear of great heights
Sentence: My acrophobia makes it hard for me to look out of tall windows

Acromegaly: enlargement of bones of hands and feet and face
Sentence: The man’s acromegaly was evident in his enlarged hands and feet

Tendon: a band of tissue connecting a muscle to its bony attachment
Sentence: He had surgery for a torn tendon in his elbow

Adduction: moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body
Sentence: Hip adduction is a strengthening exercise for the piriformis muscle.

Adenitis: inflammation of a gland or lymph node
Sentence: Shyam is suffering from adenitis of the throat.

Alopecia: partial or complete loss of hair
Sentence: She started losing her hair due to alopecia when she was in primary school

Craniotomy: a surgical opening through the skull
Sentence: He underwent craniotomy and tumor resection.