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Brainstorming Ideas to write effective IELTS Writing Task 2
(A new way to brainstorm ideas to frame points to write effective essays)
(1) Advertisements are an integral part of modern business and they make people a of the multitude of products available in the market. (2) Advertising industry employs thousand people. (3) Advertisements are creative and they enhance various art forms.
(1) Advertisements, however, tend to nurture consumerism by enticing people to spend impulsively on glamorous products. (2) Advertisements are expensive and their cost is included in the price of the products, hiking them.
Benefits of Education
(1) Education provides people with knowledge and skills necessary to acquire a suitable occupation. (2) Education paves the way for new innovations and technology. (3) Schools also young people moral values to become model citizens of tomorrow. Schools also teach young people moral values become model citizens of tomorrow.
Technology in Education

(1) Technology can make lessons much more interesting and students can study at their own pace. (2) They can do research using online resources. (3) Students can also learn skills useful for their future jobs.
(1) The negative impact of technology is that it is not a substitute for a real teacher. (2) Students need a structured course and only an experienced teacher known what lessons to choose
Business is becoming international and huge investments can improve the economy of developing nations. Brain drain is a main feature of globalisation, which reduces unemployment to a great extent in poorer nations. A global economy can strength political relationships.
The influence of giant multi-national companies may eventually cripple small and medium industries in the developing nations. Brain drain is harmful to the developing nations in the long run. The invasion of western culture may gradually erode the traditional cultures in the oriental nations.
Immigration and Multi-Cultural Societies
Skilled immigrants are needed in developed nations and they contributes to the econ. my of their host countries. Immigrants send money home which improves the economy in developing nations. Immigrants of different nationalities live together. This cultural diversity makes people more open minded and tolerant.
Immigrants work longer hours for less money, which robs the job opportunities of the local population. Influx of immigrants may cause socio-political problems in the long run.
Global Warming

(1) Factories and vehicles emit poisonous gases, which trap heat from the sun and cause greenhouse effects. (2) Many developing countries are becoming more and more industrialised causing greater pollution. (3) Air travel is becoming more frequent and it burns huge quantities of fossil fuels.
Nuclear weapon
Several nations the world over are in possession of nuclear weapons. They are capable of vast destruction. A nuclear war between two countries would destroy both countries. For this very reason, they act as a deterrent to war. However, efforts by world powers and the U.N. for nuclear disarmament have not met with any appreciable results so far.
Stress and Tension

Modern busy and competitive lifestyle causes stress. People work longer hours with strict deadlines and have less time to relax. Unemployment and tests and exams also causes stress.
To combat stress, adequate leisure should be made a priority. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can reduce stress. Working less overtime and taking regular holidays can also help.
The Internet
The Internet gives us instant access to a mine of information on almost any subject revolutionised communication, which is cheap and instantaneous now. E-Commerce boost the economy of nations worldwide, E-Shopping is in vogue now. Office work even the governance of the nation are easier and faster now. The Internet is now sought after media for entertainment.
The proliferation of websites makes it difficult to search for reliable info Many sites are pornographic and can mislead children. Video games distract children from their lessons Internet crimes are rampart, which is a serious threat to humanity.
Mobile phones

Mobile phones have revolutionised today’s communication. People can contact members, friends and colleagues whenever they want, wherever they are. They are easy to and almost perform like a computer.
Many people tend to misuse cell phones, disturbing the peace of others. They can be a problem in public places, cinemas and classrooms. Using mobiles while driving can cause no accidents. Their waves could cause damage to human brains.
Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world, employing thousands od people, It is the main income of many nations. It is a popular leisure activity and it broadens people’s minds. It nurtures greater international understanding.
Tourism creates pollution and waste. Building hotels and other infrastructure for tourism can destroy our environment and biodiversity . Local traditions and cultures may be endangered. Living cost of the local people goes up.

The ever increasing number of vehicles on the roads the world over causes traffic congestion and a acute pollution. Traffic jams waste millions of productive hours and pollution cause ill health to humans.
To reduce the number of private cars on roads, reliable and efficient public transport should be introduced. Car pooling can bring the traffic down. Building flyovers, subways metros can limit traffic problems. Telecommunication reduces commuting of employees.
Causes and problems:
Growing populations the main cause of unemployment. Our education is not vocational. Unemployment causes unrest among the young men. They may crimes to make money
Governments should provide vocational courses in education. Retraining should be given to employee us an technology changes. The unemployed should be financially supported till they find a job. More jobs should be created.
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