BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 493

Bookworm: Someone who really likes to read and study books.
Sentence: He is a bookworm! It seems that he is always reading something new

Eager Beaver: An enthusiastic and hard-working person.
Sentence: John is such an eager beaver; nobody wants to work with him as he makes everyone else look bad

Hit the Books: Begin studying hard.
Sentence: I have an exam tomorrow; I need to hit the books tonight.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Pedagogy – the way of teaching including the instructional method that is used
Sentence: The school boasts the most progressive pedagogy and a 100% graduation rate

Schoolboy Error: A very basic and stupid mistake.
Sentence: Stop acting like an overgrown schoolboy.

Pupil: a person who is taught by another, especially a school child or student in relation to a teacher. (meaning)
Sentence: The next day, every pupil except five had done their homework.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Auditorium: the part of a theatre, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits. (meaning)
Sentence: To prepare for the impending concert, the stage in the auditorium was renovated.

Dissertation: a long essay on a particular subject,
Sentence: She turned her dissertation on leadership into a general biography.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Vocabulary Words for IELTS