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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st February

What is your full name?
My name is Gurmeet Kumar.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Gurmeet.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here it is.
Are you working or studying?
At the moment, I’m working but I want to go and study in Australia next year.
Can you describe your job?
Yes, I’m a Software Engineer and currently I’m working for an international company which develops a suite of financial solutions for investment banks.
Do you prefer working in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Why?
Generally, I think I probably work better in the morning when I feel fresh. Although sometimes I do lot of work at home at night, sometimes quite late at night, I find it easier to focus, so those are the two times of day when I feel most productive or creative normally.
How often do you use a dictionary?
Not very often really, maybe once or twice a week.
Do you prefer using a paper or online one? Why?
I normally just consult one of the online dictionaries because I don’t have a paper dictionary. If I need to check a word or something I’ll access a dictionary on my phone or o laptop depending where I am.
Talk about how you like to spend time with an older person in your family.
You should say:
– who he/she is
– what you like to do together
– how often you spend time with him/her
– and explain why you like spending time with him/her.
I can tell you about some special moments that I enjoy with my grandmother, things I have never done with my mother. My grandma is the best! Without thinking twice I can assure that she was like my second mom and many times I could enjoy things with her that I could not with my mother. We both treasure these moments.
My mother did not have much time to sit and watch movies with me, but my grandmother was always available! Thanks to her I learned about the great classic movies of the cinema. If it had not been for her I would never have seen “Gone with the Wind”, “The Godfather” and other older films. While moms can be very good cooks, grandmothers prepare much more variety of things. Entering my grandmother’s house used to transport me to a world of aromas and flavors that are still in my memory today. With my mother it was more difficult to do what I wanted in the kitchen, but my grandmother allowed me to prepare different things, and I loved it!
There are many things that my mother does not remember because she was very small, but my grandmother was an open book. She knew the whole story of our family. Thanks to her I was able to learn where we came from, who our ancestors were and how they got here.
Something else I love to do with my grandmother is to play board games. I remember we had endless games of dice or dominoes and she never tired. Obviously, me neither and one of the things that I liked very much was when I went to her house to see her and she brought the cup with the dice or the cards, it was very fun!
I usually see her at least a couple of times a week and we always have fun together no matter what we end up doing.
Should older people be treated better than they are currently? How?
It’s only right that older people who have lived and contributed to society are able to continue living a dignified life and not have to worry about money, health, etc. Most societies nowadays provide for old people to make sure they have all the basic essentials of life. It would be nice to provide more, but obviously everything costs money and someone has to pay for it all.
It’s also easy to forget about older people. The pace of modern life is so frantic, and people are so busy that older people can’t keep up sometimes and some families have a problem because they don’t have enough time to spend with older members of the family.
Does the younger generation lack respect for older people? Why do you think that?
That might be true in some places. Older people are forgotten about once they leave the workforce, and some people might think they become less relevant in society when they are not actively contributing through work, etc. Also, young people today’s have a completely different perspective on life, much more global and entitles, even narcissistic some might say, and older people are seen as just not being important.
Generations ago, older people in society were the source of a lot of information or knowledge and how young people learned about things, but now all you have to do is a quick internet search and you can discover anything you want – you don’t need your grandmother or grandfather to tell you about stuff. Life has changed a lot and I think the role of older people will become less and less important in the future.
In what ways do older people depend on young people?
I can think of one example, my grandmother and her phone. She wasn’t sure how to use it or browse the internet on it when we first bought it for her. It took some time for me to show her how to use it, some apps, charge it, and other stuff before she was confident about using it.
Older people rely on younger members of their family for things like helping them with technology or even just taking them to places if they are too old to drive or have mobility problems. Of course, there are also older family members who are reliant financially on younger members of the family. They depend on them completely for everything they have.