BEST IELTS General Reading Test 521

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 521

IELTS General Reading Test

University Curling: equipment, players and basic rules


• All equipment will be provided, including stones. Take care of the stones. They are extremely heavy and should never be lifted. Stones (also called rocks) should not be thrown overly hard and should always be stopped using your brush, not your foot, otherwise they may injure you or knock you over. Curling stones are expensive and replacement costs exceed £800 per stone.

• Players must wear appropriate clothing – the arena can be chilly. Wear warm, loose-fitting clothing; gloves and hats are optional.

• Lockers are free of charge, but you must bring your own lock.

IELTS General Reading Test

Club rules

• A valid student card must be brought to the game and produced on request. The sports manager will frequently check players’ student cards. Failure to produce a valid card will automatically lead to a player being disqualified.

• No street shoes are permitted on the arena surface. You must wear a clean pair of shoes.

• Alcohol consumption is not permitted during games.

Sports carding system

A card system has been created to promote an enjoyable atmosphere for alt participants. Officials and/or sports managers may issue either a yellow or a red card to any participant before, during or after a contest for inappropriate conduct. Team captains are responsible for making sure their team mates understand the carding system and play by the rules.

IELTS General Reading Test

Yellow cards may be issued for:

• bad language

• arguing with officials or supervisors

• delaying the game

• failure to comply with equipment regulations

Red cards [immediate game ejection) may be issued for:

• offensive language and/or behaviour to an official or other player

• physical threats or physical violence directed at an official or other player

• fighting of any sort

IELTS General Reading Test

Game rules

• Each team consists of 4-8 players and can include any combination of males and females. A minimum of three players is needed to start a game.

• Score cards are provided by the sports manager. Both captains must sign the score card at the end of the game.

• If there is a dispute, the sports manager will make a decision. That decision is final.

• Games last for 6 ends or rounds or 2 hours, whichever finishes first. Games start at 8:30 p.m. Please be at the sports club a quarter of an hour prior to the game starting.

• The winner of a coin toss has the option of playing first or second. The loser gets to choose the colour of stones.

• A team scores one point for each stone that slides nearer the centre circle than any stone of the opposing team.

• Players must not throw two stones towards each other or engage in any other negligent behaviour. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a team being automatically ejected from the league, and the team may be liable for any damage that occurs as a result.

IELTS General Reading Test

Game details

• Curling stones: When you throw a stone down the ice, it will curl, or bend, one way or another depending on how the player has thrown it and how much rotation they have applied to it. How much (or little! a stone curls also depends on the conditions of the playing surface and the actions of the team players who are sweeping the ice in front of the stone.

Sweeping: Sweeping before the stone makes it curl less and travel further. Captains don’t sweep stones frequently; they are responsible for their team’s strategy.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the information leaflet? Write

TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this

15. You should wear clothing that keeps you cool.

16. Lockers are available in three sizes.

17. You may be asked to provide your student card.

18. You can only go on the arena surface if you are wearing special curling shoes.

19. Players who behave badly will be fined.

20. Players can be sent off for hitting another person.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS or A NUMBER from the leaflet for each answer.

21. Each game takes _________ or six rounds.

22. The player who wins the _________ can choose which team starts the game.

23. The direction of the stone can be curled, depending upon how it is thrown, how much _________ a player gives it, and other factors.

24. Team players can make the stone travel further by _________ in front of it.

25. Points are scored for getting stones near the _________ of the target.

26. The captain tells team members how they should play and also decides on the team’s _________

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 521

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IELTS General Reading Test



17. TRUE



20. TRUE

21. TWO/ 2 HOURS






IELTS General Reading Test

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