BEST IELTS General Reading Test 470

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 470

IELTS General Reading Test

POSITION AVAILABLE: The local education department is looking to recruit an additional two part-time employees to support its ongoing and expanding mobile library van project. The projected working hours shall be an average 23 hours per week spread out over 5 or 6 days from Tuesday to Sunday.

PAY RATES: Pay rates are competitive and are split in to three pays bands: Weekdays 9am-6pm paid at $5 per hour, weekdays 6pm-9pm paid at $7.50 per hour, and work on weekends anytime 8:00am-8:00pm will be paid at $10 per hour.

IELTS General Reading Test

QUALIFICATIONS: Qualifications for the position are minimal in that there are no specific qualifications required. However, regarding experience, previous library experience is preferred but not absolutely necessary. What is considered to be beneficial for the applicant is having good people skills and a strong desire to help people. A good knowledge of software programs and computers is required, so this position would favour an applicant with excellent computer literacy. A valid driving license is essential.

BENEFITS: The employee will also be eligible for certain other benefits, such as full health insurance, whilst pension contributions and paid annual leave will be calculated on a pro rata basis. Free access to all library materials both physical and digital will be offered to the employee with certain limits depending on customer demand.

IELTS General Reading Test

WORKING DAYS: These could be scheduled anytime from 9am-9pm midweek and 8am-8pm over the weekends. Breaks (per day) will be calculated as follows: 0-3 hours = no break, 3-5 hours = 20 minutes, 5-7 hours = 40 minutes, 7-9 hours = 60minutes (taken as 2 x 30 minutes), and working 9-11 hours = 80 minutes (taken as 2 x 40 minutes). These breaks are mandatory by law.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS & NOTIFICATIONS: Firstly and most importantly is that the employee must be completely flexible to work any shifts as needed, and that work schedules will be planned monthly in advance. On Mondays the mobile library van is closed for regular maintenance and cleaning. The employee will never be asked to work over 30 hours per week unless agreed upon in advance with the employee.

IELTS General Reading Test

Multiple Option Choice Chose the most suitable word.

A. Minimal

B. Competitive

C. Excellent

D. Advantageous

E. Valid

F. Complimentary

G. Obligatory

H. Flexible

IELTS General Reading Test

15. Compared with similar jobs the salary is considered to be …………………….

16. Official requirements for the positions are considered to be …………………….

17. To obtain the position, if a person felt strongly about wanting to assist others it would be considered …………………….

18. For legal reasons, regular set rest periods are considered to be …………………….

IELTS General Reading Test

Multiple Option Choice Chose the most suitable word

A. Hired

B. Divided

C. Forecasted

D. Gifted

E. Questioned

F. Shared

G. Consulted

H. Given

19. A couple of new staff will be ……………………. by the relevant authority due to increased needs in staffing.

20. Payments will be ……………………. and calculated owing to the various hours worked on different days and times of the week as scheduled.

21. Complimentary books and magazines will be ……………………. to the staff member for a set period of time if customers are not using them.

IELTS General Reading Test

A CURRICULUM VITAE (CV for short and Latin for “the story of your life”) is a detailed summary of your past experience. Its purpose is to set out your details in a precise, factual and interesting manner. It allows you to tell an employer what you can do and what skills you have, letting him or her know quickly and easily whether or not you have something to offer each other. First of all, we’ll outline some crucial data that should always be included in your CV. Information that should be included:

PERSONAL DETAILS: These should include your full name, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and any other details you wish to include, e.g. marital status, nationality.

IELTS General Reading Test

EDUCATION, QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING: As well as schools and any exams passed, mention any part-time courses you have been on. Accurate dates are very important. You can also include here the information concerning grants or awards you may have obtained during your academic life.

WORK EXPERIENCE (includes school work experience, part-time work, and voluntary work)

Put these in order starting with the first or last job you had. Say where the job was, give the job title and say briefly what you did. If you had any gaps, eg. because of unemployment or bringing up a family, include them. Try to highlight the experience you have had and try to be positive.

IELTS General Reading Test

SKILLS: This can be, for some people, a very important section because it tells the employer what you have learned from past experiences and what you can bring to the new job.

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: In this section you should list the languages you know and how well you know them. As a guide, you can use the following scale in order to rate your knowledge of those languages: basic, average, fluent, native. Example: Spanish: native, English: fluent, French: basic.

INTERESTS/ HOBBIES: This area is important because it says a lot about the type of person you are. Try to include one where you mix with others.

REFEREES: Always ask a person´s permission to use his/her name. You usually need to supply two names, preferably including one who has known you in a work setting. Give their job titles and full address and telephone number.

IELTS General Reading Test

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?

In boxes 22 – 27 on your answer sheet write:

MUST DO if the statement agrees with the information

MAY NOT DO if the statement contradicts the information

MAY DO if there is no information on this

22. The Inclusion of being married.

23. Contact information so you can be contacted.

24. Describing part-time courses completed.

25. Being vague with dates for courses and exams taken.

26. Mentioning grants and awards given.

27. Order work experience from the very first to the most recent.

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 470

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IELTS General Reading Test

15. B

16. A

17. D

18. G

19. A

20. B

21. H

22. MAY DO




26. MAY DO


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