BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 631
Collision: A crash or conflict between two objects, often vehicles.
Sentence: The accident involved a head-on collision between two trains
Backpack: a large bag used to carry things on your back, used especially by people who go camping or walking
Sentence: She tightened her grip on her backpack and turned around slowly.
Imply: to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
Sentence: Early reports implied that the judge’s death was not an accident.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS
Grow: to increase in size or amount
Sentence: more land was needed to grow crops for export
Injury: Physical harm or damage to someone’s body.
Sentence: She suffered an injury to her back
Distract: prevents (someone) from concentrating on something.
Sentence: don’t allow noise to distract you from your work
Vocabulary Words for IELTS
Uplift: to lift up; raise; elevate.
Sentence: but if you do make the effort, it will uplift you.
Assignment: a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.
Sentence: She’s gone to Italy on a special assignment.