Validity of IELTS score

Validity of IELTS score
Validity of IELTS score

Validity of IELTS score

The International English Language Test commonly known as IELTS is English language test designed to measure the language proficiency. It is mandatory to crack this exam those who dream of settling, working, or studying in an English-speaking country. This test is based on a nine-band scale to identify the accurate levels of proficiency of the test-takers. Now the test takers who appear in the exam have many questions in their mind and the first is about the Validity of IELTS score and some other questions like how to get the desired band scores or what to do in speaking cabin and so on.

So let’s first discuss

The validity of the IELTS Score Card

Every student prepare hard for the IELTS exam and when he clear it with the desired band scores the thing comes in mind is the validity period of the exam. The IELTS TRF (Test Report Form) is valid for the term of two years. It means if the date mentioned at your ITRF is 1st January 2020, then the IELTS TRF is valid until 31st December 2022.Which means you have enough time to apply for your visa and get into the institution of your dreams. 

Talking about the Australian General Skilled Migration (GSM) application is valid upto 3 years as of July 2018. Thus, you need not worry about the IELTS validity much. This fact can turn out to be quite useful, especially during the COVID-19 virus. 

Time Required Preparing for the IELTS Test

This is another question which comes in the mind of every IELTS aspirant when he starts preparing for the test. This is quite natural as one has to prepare his future plans accordingly. As every person has its own mental ability and grasping power so it’s totally depends upon you that how long you will take to prepare for the exam. There are some other factors that also influence your preparation time.  On an average it needs at least 3-6 weeks to prepare for your IELTS exam well. However, some can manage in few days. The key to success in IELTS is just without worrying about the time limits; focus on preparing enough to get your desired IELTS band score. 

Once you decide to start your IELTS preparation, give yourself some time (1-2 days) to understand the IELTS test format. Then, take a free assessment test to check your language level. Your training period can be scheduled according to the scores in this test more you score less time you need for preparation or vice versa. Another thing that you must be mindful of is that there is no enough preparation in IELTS. If you think that corona virus has become an obstacle in your way of preparation don’t worry about it.  Use various online modes for preparation like online classes which are very flexible and offers you your preferred time slots to take classes. Moreover, in this pandemic it’s safe to stay at home rather than to commute to classes on daily basis. There are several YouTube channels that provide free listening videos subscribe them and do practice. For writing you should have a mentor who can evaluate your tasks and give you advice on where to improve. The same way speaking should also be done with the partner which can rectify you and help you with ideas. So, it’s better to go with some online classes but before registration make sure that you are going in safe hands.

Stay home, stay safe prepare for IELTS. In case of any inquiry write in the comment section. 

Thank You 🙂

With best wishes!


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