HAVE A WHALE OF A TIME: To have a very fun and exciting time
Sentence: We had a whale of a time on holiday.

ON CLOUD NINE: very happy and joyful
Sentence: I feel content with my life at the moment and I am on cloud nine.

ON TOP OF THE WORLD: feeling amazing, wonderful, ecstatic
Sentence: She was feeling on top of the world after winning the tennis tournament.

OVER THE MOON: extremely pleased and happy
Sentence: When he sent me flowers and a note, I was over the moon.

MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL: to make you very angry
Sentence: He is very selfish and arrogant, just hearing her voice makes my blood boil.

DRIVES ME UP THE WALL: it annoys you a lot
Sentence: I love my kids, but sometimes they drive me up the wall.

HIT THE CEILING: To get very angry and upset
Sentence: Dad’ll hit the ceiling when he finds out I’ve left school.

WIND ME UP: someone or something really annoys you
Sentence: It really winds me up when he goes on about teachers having an easy life

GET ON YOUR NERVES: Meaning – someone annoys you a lot
Sentence: The noise those children make gets on my nerves.

AN ARM AND A LEG: Very expensive
Sentence: It cost me an arm and a leg to take my trip to Australia.

ONCE IN A BLUE MOON: It Happens very rarely
Sentence: He comes round to see me once in a blue moon.

CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER: Feeling inferior or having a grievance about something
Sentence: He’s got a chip on his shoulder.