Feed: The continuous stream of posts or updates that appear on a user’s social media home page.
Sentence: “I spent an hour scrolling through my feed to see what everyone was up to.”

Algorithm: A set of rules or guidelines used by social media platforms to decide what content is shown to users based on their behavior, preferences, and interactions.
Sentence: “The Instagram algorithm recommended this post to me because I interact with similar content.”

Memes: Humorous images, videos, or text that spread rapidly on social media, often altered or shared with variations.
Sentence: “The meme about the snowstorm has been shared thousands of times already.”

Unfollow: To stop following someone or something on a social media platform, so their updates no longer appear in your feed.
Sentence: “I had to unfollow a few accounts because their posts were too negative.”

Troll: A person who posts inflammatory, disruptive, or offensive comments online, often to provoke or upset others.
Sentence: “The comment section was filled with trolls arguing about the topic.”

Tagline: A short, catchy phrase used to summarize or promote a brand, product, or social media account.
Sentence: “Their tagline, ‘Live Your Best Life,’ resonates with many of their followers.”

Analytics: Data and statistics that measure social media performance, such as the number of views, likes, shares, and engagement rates.
Sentence: “I reviewed my analytics to see which posts had the highest engagement this month.”

Curation: The act of selecting, organizing, and sharing content that aligns with a particular theme or audience.
Sentence: “She specializes in content curation for fashion brands on Pinterest.”

Reciprocity: A mutual exchange of support, such as liking or commenting on someone’s post in return for them doing the same for you.
Sentence: “I always engage with my followers because reciprocity helps build a loyal community.”

Vlog: A blog in video format, typically posted on platforms like YouTube.
Sentence: “He posts weekly vlogs about his travels on his YouTube channel.”

Clickbait: Content with sensationalized or misleading headlines designed to get clicks, often with little substance.
Sentence: “The headline was pure clickbait, as the article didn’t deliver on its promise.”

Repost: To share someone else’s content again on your own profile or feed.
Sentence: “I reposted the artist’s drawing to give them credit for their amazing work.”