Top-notch strategies which assist you to score well in the IELTS examination

score well in the IELTS examination
score well in the IELTS examination

Top-notch strategies which assist you to score well in the IELTS examination

1) Stay Calm

As you know that IELTS is an English language test that requires Fluency and expertise at the same place.

However being a human, there might be an arrival of a situation where you are unaware of some words. At that time, don’t panic and be calm.

The more apprehensive and uncomfortable you are, the more it will be hard for you to keep up your fluency and maintain the grounds of coherence.

Remember one thing through out, “I CAN DO THIS”. Nothing can stop me !!

Just forget everything, forget the surroundings and answer the questions like nobody knows better than you .

In the very last part of the IELTS test, there will be a conversation between you and the grader. At that time, try to smile and even make the evaluators feel that you are really enjoying this.

2) Attempt every Question

Never leave a blank box. The most fortunate fact and the wonderful opportunity is that there is no negative marking for an inaccurate answer but better be careful with the spellings as that has a negative marking.

Never forget, something is always better than be nothing, who knows the next miracle is your guess only. Answering the question has two benefits, foremost it helps to boost your confidence and the secondly, it will help you to score more.

3) Improve your Vocabulary

As the IELTS test is an English testing test, the area it’s emphasis on more is your Vocabulary. Whether it’s the IELTS Listening section or IELTS Reading module or IELTS Writing module or IELTS Speaking section, your vocabulary plays an indispensable role in each component. Let’s know how to strong it in IELTS writing and Reading.

In the IELTS Reading module:

It’s more likely of a Vocabulary test than the reading test. They generally use synonyms and paraphrase sentences to know how wide your Vocabulary is.

So read and review, try to build a strong Vocabulary with the continuous read and review them in a regular basis.

In the IELTS Writing module:

Writing requires a wide academic Vocabulary which will definitely assist you to write more prominently as well as effectively.

4) Pronunciation

As IELTS is a task_evaluated test which is going to evaluate in four testing skills. That obviously includes your IELTS Speaking module that requires a good pronunciation in every case.

In the IELTS Speaking section:

Being in a one to one interview, it’s necessary to have a good pronunciation.

As this IELTS speaking module is about how well you pronounce words . As well as considering the communicative effect of candidate’s of how much strain you cause to your listener.

5) Time Management

Managing time is the foremost tip in each IELTS module. Try to answer each and every question an equal and a reasonable time.

For instance, if you will give more time for some questions, then it will leave you with lesser time for other questions which may also be responsible to face panic situations.

Among all the four testing skills, let’s see how we can manage time in the IELTS Listening module and IELTS Writing module.

In the IELTS Listening section

In this 40 minutes of IELTS Listening module,the first 30 minutes are for Listening audio and the rest 10 minutes are for transferring your answers in your answer sheet.

Hence, it’s much better while practicing IELTS test, you give major attention and make effective techniques regarding this imperative group.

In the IELTS Writing test, In contarst to Task 1, Task 2 is more time consuming and have a high score.

But that doesn’t mean you will leave the task 1. You have to attempt and complete both the tasks, no matter how.

Thus, follow these instructions to achieve decent marks in the IELTS test.


score well in the IELTS examination


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score well in the IELTS examination

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