Epistolary (adj.): Relating to the writing of letters.
Sentence: The novel is written in an epistolary format, with the story unfolding through letters exchanged between the characters.

Quixotic (adj.): Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical.
Sentence: His quixotic quest to solve world hunger through a single charity was admirable but unrealistic.

Obsequious (adj.): Excessively eager to please or obey.
Sentence: His obsequious behavior towards his boss made everyone uncomfortable in the office.

Soporific (adj.): Tending to induce sleepiness; dull or boring.
Sentence: The lecture was so soporific that several students dozed off during it.

Altruistic (adj.): Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.
Sentence: Her altruistic efforts in helping the homeless earned her widespread admiration.

Vicissitude (n.): A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Sentence: He endured the vicissitudes of life with a quiet grace, never letting adversity bring him down.

Recalcitrant (adj.): Stubbornly resistant to authority or control.
Sentence: The recalcitrant student refused to follow the teacher’s instructions.

Obfuscate (v.): To deliberately make something unclear or confusing.
Sentence: The politician’s lengthy speech seemed designed to obfuscate the real issue.

Intrinsic (adj.): Belonging naturally; essential or inherent.
Sentence: The intrinsic value of the artwork is in its cultural significance, not just its price

Ambiguous (adj.): Open to more than one interpretation; unclear or inexact.
Sentence: The instructions were so ambiguous that I wasn’t sure what to do next.

Plausible (adj.): Seeming reasonable or probable.
Sentence: His explanation for being late seemed plausible, so I believed him.

Reverberate (v.): To echo or resound.
Sentence: The sound of the church bell reverberated through the valley.