IELTS Reading Summary Completion questions require you to complete a summary of a passage by filling in the gaps with the correct words from the reading text. These questions can seem tricky at first, but with the right strategies, you can improve your accuracy. Here are some useful tips for tackling Summary Completion questions:
Read the Instructions Carefully
Sometimes the instructions specify the number of words you need to use in each blank (e.g., “No more than three words”). Pay close attention to this, as this will guide your answer. If you’re asked to use only one word or no more than two words, ensure you stick to this limit.
Preview the Summary Before Reading the Passage
Before diving into the passage, take a moment to glance over the summary. This gives you a general idea of what the passage is about and helps you focus on the key points when you read. By identifying keywords or concepts in the summary, you’ll be able to recognize relevant parts of the text more quickly.
Identify Key Words and Ideas
In the summary, focus on the most important points that need to be filled in. These are often nouns, verbs, or adjectives that carry the main ideas of the passage. Understanding the context of each gap will help you know what type of information (person, place, thing, event, etc.) should go there.
Skim the Passage for General Understanding
Next, skim the passage to get a sense of its overall meaning and structure. You don’t need to read every word in detail, but try to understand the main argument or message of the text. This will help you understand the context of the missing information in the summary.
Scan for Specific Information
After skimming, start scanning for the specific information that relates to the summary. Look for sentences that directly correspond to the gaps in the summary. Be careful, because the wording in the summary may not exactly match the text—it’s usually paraphrased.
Use Paraphrasing Skills
IELTS often paraphrases information, so make sure to practice recognizing different ways of saying the same thing. For example, “difficult” might be written as “challenging,” or “purchase” might be “buy.” Understanding paraphrasing will help you spot the correct answers more quickly.
Look for Contextual Clues
If you’re unsure about a particular gap, look at the surrounding sentences in the passage. The context can often give you important clues about what kind of word is needed. For example, if the sentence talks about a scientific discovery, you may need to fill in the name of the discovery, or if the sentence is about a cause and effect relationship, a verb or noun expressing that link may be required.
Don’t Change the Form of the Word
Be sure to use the words in the same form as they appear in the text. If the word you need is a verb, don’t change it into a noun or adjective unless the sentence requires it. For example, if the word in the passage is “discover,” don’t change it to “discovery” unless the gap specifically calls for a noun.
Avoid Overthinking or Second-Guessing
It’s easy to overthink these questions, especially if you’re stuck on one blank. If you’re unsure, make your best guess and move on. The questions are designed so that there is usually only one correct answer, so don’t waste too much time on any one gap. You’ll have time to go back and review your answers if necessary.
Review Your Answers
Once you’ve filled in all the gaps, go back and check your answers. Ensure that your word choices fit grammatically into the sentence and are relevant to the context. Also, double-check the word limits (if applicable) to ensure you’re not exceeding them.
Practice Makes Perfect
Finally, one of the most effective ways to improve your skills for Summary Completion questions is to practice regularly. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with identifying key ideas, spotting paraphrasing, and using context clues. You can find IELTS practice materials online, in textbooks, or through apps.
Additional Tips:
– Be cautious with synonyms: While IELTS often uses synonyms, make sure you understand their meaning in the context of the passage. Not all synonyms are interchangeable.
– Stay organized: Make notes while you read so you can keep track of the information that corresponds to the gaps in the summary.
– Be aware of the order: The answers usually follow the order of the text. If you’re unsure about a particular gap, try to find out what happens before and after it in the passage.
By using these strategies, you’ll improve both your speed and accuracy when answering Summary Completion questions. Remember, preparation is key, so keep practicing and refining your skills!