However, to practise any module of IELTS, one always need to do hard work in their daily practice. There are lot of things that a person needs to do and to pay attention over them for the exam.
By following different tips one can have a great deal to improve one’s score and even can score higher.
You will get 10 guidelines in this article to improve your listening scores:
You should not only prefer the practice test, but you should also go with other methods in order to enhance your listening skills, if you prefer only the tests to do in your daily routine then you will just get familiar with the different test and their various questions and this won’t be that much effective for your listening abilities. It’s much more effective to perform distinct activities such as listening exercises, listen to general materials listening (radio, TV- shows, documentaries, podcasts) and only after this material you should go for IELTS listening practice tests.
Familiarise yourself with the vocabulary
In IELTS listening test, one always faces synonyms in the questions and the audio, they are basically considered the ‘Distractors’ for the one who is listening. So, always try to practise the vocabulary part whenever you listen to something. Note down the particular words and memorise them.
Know the types of the word
There are different word types that are asked in the IELTS listening. It can be any noun, verb, adjective, adverb. Read at the questions on the priority for making a guess in order to fill in the correct answer.
“Plug in” the situation
Make sure about getting the idea of the particular situation. Before starting of the each part you will be given a short introduction of the upcoming questions and their numbers. It’s like ‘Now, you will hear a dialogue between…’ or ‘you will hear a lecture on…’. However, this description is written on the question sheet, so be careful and attentive regarding this, as this is basically a hint to make you ready that recording is going to start in the few seconds. Stay attentive to note the different talk or conversation that the speakers will have. Carefully note : who is the speaker, where they are, what they are talking about. This will help you to understand the whole recording easily.
Stay Concentrated
Concentration is one the most important factor that is required while listening as you are just going to listen and that for 30 minutes. It’s ok! If you miss out or skip any of the number or word, don’t worry! Leave it blank and focus on another part. Review all those questions at the end of the section, otherwise you will skip the further one’s if you lose your concentration. Stay focused and determined as you need to read, write and listen at the one point of the time.
Focus on word-indicators
Well, word indicators in IELTS listening are like however, but, then, finally. These words assist you to what the speaker will speak about.
Don’t haste to write
Number of students haste to write the answers as they listen. Well, they get trapped by their own as they take it for the correct answer. In IELTS listening, mostly it is found that speaker repeat some of the answers, they create a trap by speaking wrong answers at the first place and after that they re-correct it. So, you should not write answers in hurry.
Re-check your silly errors
After the completion of each section students are provided 30 seconds to check their answers. During this time, you should focus on your spellings, plurals and word forms. Keep in mind that only correctly written answers will be counted and you will gain points of them only.
Accurately Transfer Your Answer
At last, candidates are given 10 minutes to transfer answers on the answer sheet. So, one should follow the different rules such as writting in capital letters, writing of the time in according to the rule of listening. You should not fasten up to write answers, follow the instructions given in the questions, check the limit of the words. You won’t lose marks for the wrong answers, so if you don’t know any of the answer try to make a guess and write it down might it get correct