Meticulous: very careful and with great attention to every detail:
Sentence: Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.

Desolate: extremely sad and feeling alone:
Sentence: She felt desolate when her best friend moved away.

Discern: to be able to see, recognize, understand, or decide something:
Sentence: He could discern the note of urgency in their voices.

Compelling: very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen:
Sentence: I found the whole film very compelling

Endeavour: an effort or attempt to do something:
Sentence: Writing is a very different endeavor than teaching.

Enormous: extremely large or great:
Sentence: The banquet was held in an enormous room.

Miserable: very unpleasant or bad, and causing someone to feel unhappy:
Sentence: Some families are living in miserable conditions.

Pursue: to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch
Sentence: The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.

Principally: more than anything or anyone else; mainly:
Sentence: The advertising campaign is aimed principally at women.

Lavish: spending or giving more than is necessary
Sentence: She lavishes money on her grandchildren.

Nevertheless: despite what has just been said or referred to
Sentence: He was very tired; nevertheless he went on walking.

Collapse: to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or
Sentence: Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.