Agrarian: relating to the land, especially the use of land for farming:
Sentence: People are leaving an agrarian way of life to go to the city.
Arable: used for or right for growing crops
Sentence: Water, food and arable land will be more scarce, cities more crowded and hunger more widespread.
Agriculture: the practice or work of farming:
Sentence: Agriculture and tourism are both important to the region’s economy.
Barn: a large building on a farm in which hay (= dried grass) and grain and often farm animals are kept.
Sentence: A large barn is essential for dry storage of crops
Compost: decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants.
Sentence: People use compost in their gardens to make the soil better
Fallow: land that a farmer does not grow crops on for a period of time
Sentence: The land lies fallow, waiting for the farmer to sow the seeds.
Furrow: a long, narrow trench made in the ground by a plough, especially for planting seeds or irrigation.
Sentence: The trees were planted in the furrows and the crops on the ridges.
Graze: eats grass in a field.
Sentence: They take the goats up onto the hill to graze
Harvest: the time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields
Sentence: We had enormous harvests of corn this year
Scarecrow: an object usually suggesting a human figure that is set up to frighten birds away from crops
Sentence: A farmer puts a scarecrow in a field after he has planted seeds.
Silo: a large, round tower on a farm for storing grain or winter food for cattle
Sentence: They built stone silos for corn and beans.
Orchard: a piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees.
Sentence: Her father had planted an apple orchard
Plow: an implement used to cut, lift, and turn over soil especially in preparing a seedbed
Sentence: The plow was designed to break up the soil for planting.
Livestock: animals and birds that are kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, or chickens
Sentence: Some farms have security men checking to make sure that livestock in fields are safe.