Step into someone’s shoes: take over and do someone else’s job.
Could someone step into my shoes at the school assembly next month
Lose your shirt: lose all or almost all of your money.
Be very careful about using credit cards to pay for daily expenses because you could eventually lose your shirt if the debt becomes too high.
Decked out: dressed in fancy or special clothing.
Our team gets decked out in formal wear instead of wearing jeans and t-shirts.
Below the belt: something that is beyond what is socially acceptable and often cruel.
Whenever we argue my friend always says things that are below the belt
At the drop of a hat: it occurs immediately and without planning
Just call me when you need me and i’ll be there at the drop of a hat.
Hand-me-downs: clothing that is given to a family member or friend because it no longer fits or is not needed.
Since i don’t have siblings i’m lucky that i don’t get any hand-me-downs
Kick in the pants: something that gives you a very strong motivation to do something or to change your behavior.
Getting cancer was the kick in the pants i needed to quit smoking.