BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 637

Court: an assembly to conduct judicial business
Sentence: there was a large group of protesters outside the court.

Pristine: clean and fresh as if new; spotless.
Sentence: My office is a mess but her office is always pristine

To have no way out: Without a way to escape a difficult or bad situation.
Example: “I didn’t like it there at all, but I had no way out.”
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Sentence: The boss came out in indignation from a meeting.

Eloquent: Fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing.
Sentence: The poet delivered an eloquent recitation of her latest work.

Radio Advertising: This type of advertising focuses only on a specific group in the target audience – the people who listen to radio stations.
Example: Given how people hardly ever not connect their car’s Bluetooth to their own phones, radio advertising is almost dead in today’s world.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Scenario. A hypothetical situation described during an interview
Sentence: A possible scenario would be that we move to the city.

Wreck: The destruction or ruin of something, often referring to vehicles.
Sentence: it was the worst train wreck in twenty years”