BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 635

Foist: impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on.
Sentence: “she had no desire to have an elderly relative foisted on her”

Grass roots: Ordinary people in a society, as opposed to those who are in power.
Sentence: The leadership needs to hear first-hand what grass-roots members are thinking.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

To Evoke: to bring back or remind us of something from the past. It’s like a mental trigger that helps us remember and feel certain things again.
Examples: The old photograph evokes memories of my childhood summers spent at the beach.

Bittersweet: a mix of both happiness and sadness
Examples: The bittersweet memories of my time living abroad remind me of the challenges I faced but also the amazing experiences.

Frivolous: not having any serious purpose or value.
Sentence: She can’t think of a single frivolous thing she bought after her win

Falter: moved unsteadily or hesitantly
Sentence: the car was out of sight around a bend in moments, but the engine did
not falter or slow down.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Skulk: to hide or move around as if trying not to be seen, usually with bad intentions
Sentence: he skulked around outside until the police had gone.