BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 625

Foible: Weakness
SENTENCE: They have to tolerate each other’s little foibles

Galore: In abundance
SENTENCE: there were prizes galore for everything

Recuperate: Recover
SENTENCE: She has been recuperating from a knee injury

Redundant: Exceeding what is natural or necessary, superfluous
SENTENCE: many of the old skills had become redundant

Spineless: Lacking courage
SENTENCE: A spineless person does not have much determination and is not willing to take risks
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Chagrin: Disappointment
SENTENCE: to my chagrin, he was nowhere to be seen

Gesticulate: To gesture with the arms
SENTENCE: they were shouting and gesticulating frantically at drivers who did not slow down

Naïve: Unsophisticated, inexperienced
SENTENCE: They make the naive assumption that because it’s popular it must be good

Prodigal: Recklessly wasteful, extravagant, profuse, lavish
SENTENCE: The prodigal landlord spends the money as fast as he receives it