Thrifty – using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.
Sentence- My mother taught me to be thrifty.
Daring – adventurous or audaciously bold.
Sentence – He had grown more daring.
Absurd – in a way that lacks discipline
Sentence – He often says absurd things
Conquest – a territory which has been subjugated by military force.
Sentence – I think you’ve made a conquest.
Lunatic – person who is mentally ill
Sentence – He drives like a lunatic.
Hop – move by jumping on one foot.
Sentence – With a little hop, my puppy leaped up onto my bed.
Unearth – find (something) in the ground by digging.
Sentence – You will unearth a whole new history.
Vie – compete eagerly with someone
Sentence – The state champions will vie for the national title.
Emerge – move out of or away from something and become visible.
Sentence – The flowers emerge in the spring.