BEST IELTS Speaking Topics 2022, 18th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Topics 2022, 18th January


IELTS Speaking Topics 2022
IELTS Speaking Topics 2022



IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

What is your full name?

My name is Speaki Ju.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Speaki.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

I work as an accountant with Kataria motors.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

Why did you choose this kind of work?

I always loved numbers and playing with them. When I was a kid, I was very good at arithmetic, and then accountancy. Numbers come to me very naturally; in fact, I loved to do some hard sums in schools, and also helped many of my classmates.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

At the moment, I look after entire accounting section at Kataria motors, Ahmadabad. Our company has expanded by leaps and bounds in the state of Gujarat. I foresee myself working as a chief accountant for the entire state in coming years. If the company expands pan India, I will surely then aim at becoming the head of accounting department at a national level.

Would you like to become a celebrity if you had a chance?

There is no harm dreaming. I guess who doesn’t like to become a celebrity. Yes, I will wait for such a moment in my life.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

Why is that?

People know every celebrity, and their all habits. They’re all over in the news all the time. One feels confident and respected being remembered at the national or international level for some good reasons. It’s prefect platform of becoming popular overnight. This is the chief reason that I would like to become a celebrity. However, it’s a wild goose chase for me at the moment.


Describe something you did to help others/Occasion on which you have helped someone

– Where did you help/what was the situation?

– When

– How you helped

– What was their reaction after your help

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022


Helping others is a very good thing. I have given and received help many times. Here, I would like to talk about a situation, when I helped my friend in studies. When I was in 10th, my friend Neel suffered a sprain in his ankle while playing hockey in the school. He was advised strict bed rest for three weeks.

Our exams were very near and Neel’s mother was very worried that he would fail this time if he did not attend school. So, I decided to help him as much as I could. Every day after school, I would go to his house and update him with everything that was done in school. His mother was so happy with my efforts that she would prepare nice shakes or something to eat for me everyday. Perhaps, that was her way of thanking me. I used to reach home very late, but when I told the reason, they were OK with it.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

Then the exams came, and Neel and I both scored above 80% marks. I realised that in helping him, I had helped myself even more. After this incident, Neel and I became even more intimate friends. Last month Neel took his IELTS and scored 7 bands and has planned to go for higher education in Canada. Because of Neel, my parents have also decided to send me to Canada for my higher studies.

Earlier they were reluctant to send me. When I helped him, then I did not know that it would have this far-reaching effect. I have realised that helping others gives much more satisfaction than becoming selfish and looking after one’s own interests.


Do you like helping others?

Yes, I do. I love helping others. I have realised it gives a lot of mental satisfaction and happiness.

Should parents teach helping others to their children?

Yes, of course. Parents are responsible for bringing their children into this world, and so it is their duty to make their children into responsible citizens of the future. Parents don’t have to do anything special to accomplish this. They just have to lead by example. Children will automatically follow their footsteps. If all citizens are helpful and nice, then the whole world would become a nice place to live in.

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

Do you think nowadays people do more good work as compared to the past?

I don’t think so. Life in the past was simpler and slower. People helped each other a lot. Now, everyone is in the rat race of money and materialism. No one has the time to help others.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Topics 2022

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