BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 24th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 24th November


IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Speaking Test



What is your full name?

My name is Ifatima Nada.

IELTS Speaking Test

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ifatima.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you work or study?

I am an industrial chemist.

Do you enjoy your work? Why?

Initially, I did enjoy but with time I am losing interest.

Why did you choose a career as an industrial chemist?

I was always amazed when I learnt how first human came in contact with chemistry by then, the mysterious sparks produced when man stuck two stones together. And then, man realized that how these sparks could be transferred to wood to create a wondrous flame. The earliest chemical reaction was Fire – a mystical force to the prehistoric man. This entire chain of incidents pulled me towards this field.

IELTS Speaking Test

Will you continue with this in the future?

I’m not sure about it because I don’t enjoy this field anymore for some reason. I started with the tremendous zeal but in the midway I feel I’m losing the traction for this line of interest. Let’s see what the future unfolds for me.

What was your favorite activity when you were a child?

As a child, we had plenty of outdoor activities because internet and computers were not that popular then. Most of the time, we spent time going to parks or visiting the zoo or playing around with friends. My favorite activity was playing cricket with my friends.

What do you think children prefer: outdoor or indoor activities? Why?

I think they like both, don’t they? But it all depends on a child. These days most of the kids are glued to the computer or the phone screen playing games on the internet or video games. There are kids who have parents keeping a check on the internet usage so they do get time for outdoor activities.

IELTS Speaking Test


Describe a photo of yourself that was taken by others

You should say:

– What’s in it

– When it has taken

– Who took that photo for you

– And explain why you like it so well


IELTS Speaking Test

There was a time when photos where only taken by a camera, but now everything has changed. Computers and mobile phones have enabled people to take a lot of photos and I think people take billions of photos everyday in this world. I myself take so many photos that I sometimes forget which photograph have taken and when did I take it. There is one of my photographs which I like the most, taken by my aunt.

I happened to pay a visit to my aunt on the way to school, and I asked her to take a photo of me and her daughter. In this photographs which I am carrying my niece and she is smiling at me.

IELTS Speaking Test

My niece is quite small at that time and has a really cute face with pretty childlike expressions whereas I am grinning with the biggest smile on my face with one hand holding my niece. The photo was so loveable that I made it the wallpaper of my computer and whenever I open the computer the first thing I see on the computer is that photograph.

The photo was taken 4 years ago, and shows how time passed by and how the world changes. After looking at the photograph I remembered that my niece was crying a lot and my sister was giving her to the maid, but as I decided to hold her in my arms she got happy and smiled and that was the moment when the photograph was taken. The photograph shows a time when I was happy and a time when used to have an optimistic view of the world but now all optimism and love has just vanished from my life.

IELTS Speaking Test


How to become a professional photographer?

Put it this way, to become an expert at a particular field, a person needs specialized training and being a professional photographer is no exception. To excel in this field, you are supposed to have a keen eye for beauty, which means you can get the hang of how to adjust the angles, zoom in or out so that everyone fits in the picture in the most appealing way. In a nutshell, everything can be learnt, and it is only a matter of time before a person becomes proficient at it.

What kinds of devices do people like to use for taking photos these days?

There are two most common devices when it comes to taking photographs recently. The most common one is smartphone. With the development of technology and the appearance of smartphones, taking a high-quality selfie or a landscape picture becomes a piece of cake. Actually some brands like Sony offer HD photos and the users can adjust the dimensions to their liking.

IELTS Speaking Test

The second type is DSLR camera, which is quite a status symbol among those who love taking pictures. This is quite an advanced and professional way of taking a photo, which means that you have to change the focus and choose the right angle to Wendell the most beautiful pictures.

Why do some people like to keep photos? Are photos important?

Well, the main reason why a number of people usually keep their photos is that photos Record sweet memories. No doubt when they grow up and become an old person, they can open their albums, see how they were some 30 years ago and spend a bit time on looking back at unforgettable memories of the bygone days! This gives them pleasure and more motivation to keep giving to the rest of their lives. People can also show these photos to their children or grandchildren and boast of their beauty somehow.

IELTS Speaking Test


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Test

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