BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 31st January

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 31st January

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Eisha Tabiya.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Eisha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

Have you ever lost your way?

Several times. In fact, just last week I forgot the way to my friend’s house in Delhi. It’s been ten years since I last visited and this time I got lost in the maze of buildings. It was late at night on top of that!

What steps did you take to find your way?

I just called her, and sent her my location on Whatsapp, and she came and got me in no time. Thank God for technology! It would have been difficult for me to explain to her where I was because there are no landmarks or shops in that colony!

How do you find your way when you are lost?

I usually ask a local person to tell me which way to go. Sometimes, I try to work it out for myself by looking at online maps. Despite doing that, I always feel more certain if I double check with someone who travels the route regularly.

IELTS Speaking Test

Can you read a map well?

I haven’t got much need to read a proper map as I only use maps online now. They can be difficult to follow and see which way the arrow is pointing though. If I had to navigate using a paper map nowadays I think I´d be absolutely useless.

Have you ever helped someone who got lost?

On occasion, I have been approached in Manchester and asked for directions. Last week, a tourist asked for directions to the football stadium and I showed them the tram route to get there. I pride myself on being helpful and kind.

IELTS Speaking Test

Have you ever lost your purse or wallet?

Only once. I was taking the bus between Oxford and Cambridge and when I got off I couldn’t find my purse. I realised it must have fallen out on the seat, I ran after the bus but missed it. I wasted no time in calling the bus company but I didn’t get it back.

Have you ever lost a pair of sunglasses?

Luckily, I have never lost any. If I no longer use my sunglasses, I like to put them back in their case. I am very organised when it comes to looking after personal belongings. I am happy to say that I have never experienced that. Because I don’t carry them around as much, I haven’t lost any.

IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test

The person I’d like to describe is my grandfather, Richard. He’s 89 years old and has lived a fascinating life full of adventures and accomplishments.

He lives in a small, charming house in the countryside, about an hour away from the city. It’s peaceful and surrounded by nature, which he absolutely loves. He’s always been a fan of the quiet life and enjoys gardening and watching the birds outside his window.

Richard has had a very interesting career and personal life. During his youth, he served as a pilot in the Royal Air Force, flying planes during the early years of the Cold War. After that, he transitioned into civilian life, working as an engineer and contributing to the development of various infrastructure projects. In his later years, he became a passionate historian, writing books and giving talks on the history of aviation. He also spent some time traveling the world, visiting places like Australia and the United States to learn more about the countries he had always been curious about.

IELTS Speaking Test

I have the utmost admiration and respect for my grandfather. He is a man of great character and intellect. I’ve always found his stories captivating, and I feel lucky to have had the chance to learn from him. He is very humble despite his accomplishments, and that’s something I really admire. His adventurous spirit and dedication to learning new things, even in his old age, inspire me to live my life with a sense of curiosity and purpose.

What do you think is the most interesting part of your grandfather’s life?

I think the most interesting part of his life was his time as a pilot during the Cold War. The stories he shares about flying and being part of such a critical period in history always fascinate me. I’ve learned so much about resilience and teamwork through those experiences.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think it’s important to stay active as you age?

Absolutely! Staying active, both physically and mentally, is essential for maintaining good health as you get older. My grandfather continues to keep his mind sharp by reading, writing, and staying engaged with his community, and I believe that’s why he’s been able to live such a fulfilling life.


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 31st January

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