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BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 24th January

What is your full name?
My full name is Kartik Sharma.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Kartik.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here it is.
Do you use a computer very much?
yes, of course, I spend plenty of my time in front of my pc I mean personal computer for the major purpose study as I am currently preparing for IELTS examination so I keep almost my listening and modules on the computer so I can easily access it other than that sometimes I use my computer for watching Netflix series.
IELTS Speaking Test
When do you use a computer?
I use my computer when I need it most, for instance, if I want to browse some websites or to download huge MB files which cannot be accommodating into my phone storage. So all these things I will definitely go behind my computer.
What do you use the computer for?
I am afraid to say that I use my computer mostly for watching movies as I have an eye problem. So, the doctor advised me to watch movies on a big screen, and also I prefer to watch a movie alone. So I mostly use my computer to watch Netflix series.
What was your impression when you used a computer the first time?
My first encounter with the computer was when I was studying in 4th standard …For me, the computer is almost like a TV …..But most of my attention was captured by the rat-like thing that’s a mouse. It has a blue and red color which was blinking, and moreover, I touched the keypad and gently I made a firm pressure in the icons and wrote down my name. It was really marvellous….now I’m flooded with my childhood memories.
IELTS Speaking Test
How did you learn to use a computer?
as I said earlier, I had a computer as a subject in my 4th standard at that time itself teachers helped me to figure out the few basic steps like opening and shut downing the system and holding the mouse, etc….but later my father brought a computer to our home, and my elder brother helped me to learn the advanced things.
Have computers changed your life in any way (if yes, How?)?
Computers are used to deal with many tasks due to their various potential. The impact of computer usage in my life is apparently identified as saving money, time and effort. The computer can bring people closer together and facilitate contacts between them using Email, Chatting, Videoconferencing, and Social media. So I can connect myself with the world through my computer.
IELTS Speaking Test
Are computers used much in your country?
Of course, computers have been intervened into the myriad places such as banking, school, railways station Sandy supermarket the list will go up…My country uses computers very often up to their potential.
Do you think computers are useful in everyday life (how)?
Absolutely, computers make human life easier, as I said earlier it saves time, energy and effort. For instance, in the midst of a pandemic, the government put a restriction on college opening. During these crises, the offline classes switched to online classes, and the computer-facilitated this action easier. Like this, computers have been intervened into every sphere of humans’ life.
IELTS Speaking Test
Describe a book you would like to write.
You should say:
– what kind of book it would be
– when you had the idea to write this book
– what are your plans to finish it
and explain why you were motivated to write this book
IELTS Speaking Test
If I were to write a book, it would probably be a mix of personal development and storytelling, focusing on how people can overcome challenges and unlock their full potential. I’ve always been fascinated by human resilience and the way individuals transform their lives by making small but impactful changes. The book would be part self-help, part motivational narrative, where I would share stories of people who faced adversity and found ways to turn things around, along with practical tips that others can apply to their own lives.
I first had the idea to write this book a few years ago after reading several motivational books and noticing how many of them gave great advice but didn’t always include real-life examples of how people actually put those principles into practice. I realized there was a gap and thought it would be great to create something that not only motivates but also provides actionable steps.
IELTS Speaking Test
As for finishing the book, I plan to write it gradually, setting aside time each day to work on it. I already have an outline and some ideas for stories I want to include, so it’s just a matter of finding a consistent writing routine. I also plan to dedicate time for research to make sure the advice and tips are credible and valuable.
The motivation behind writing this book comes from a desire to help people. I’ve seen how a positive mindset and practical advice can help someone make a big change in their life, and I want to inspire others who might be stuck in difficult situations. Plus, writing this book feels like a way to leave something meaningful behind, and I hope it resonates with readers.
IELTS Speaking Test
Why do you think motivational books are popular?
Motivational books are popular because they provide a sense of hope and encouragement, especially when people are feeling down or uncertain. They offer a fresh perspective and can be a great tool for someone looking for guidance or inspiration. In today’s fast-paced world, people often need that reminder that change is possible, and these books give them a roadmap to take action.
Do you think books are a good way to motivate people?
Yes, I do. Books can offer in-depth knowledge, strategies, and real-life examples that are difficult to find in short snippets online. A well-written book gives the reader space to reflect, absorb the information, and apply it at their own pace. Unlike quick posts or videos, books allow for a deeper connection with the material, and this can be incredibly motivating when people feel like they are learning from someone who genuinely cares about their growth.
IELTS Speaking Test
What do you think makes a good motivational book?
A good motivational book should have a mix of inspiring stories, practical advice, and relatable content. It’s important for the author to not only tell readers what they could do differently but also show them real examples of people who have applied the advice. The book should feel personal and genuine, not just like a list of tips. I think the most successful motivational books make the reader believe that they can achieve their goals, no matter how big the challenge may seem.

IELTS Speaking Test