BEST IELTS General Reading Test 526

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 526

IELTS General Reading Test

Requirement for Entry to New Zealand

Passport Validity

You must hold a valid passport to enter New Zealand. Your passport must be valid for a minimum period of three months from the date of exit from New Zealand.

New Zealand’s immigration rules are strict, particularly in the areas of employment. Anyone wishing to work is required to have a visa allowing employment. British passport holders can enter New Zealand as a visitor for up to six months on arrival without a visa, provided they can satisfy an Immigration Officer that they meet the requirements of the Rules. Visitors must have an onward ticket. Before travelling, please contact the New Zealand High Commission in London for further information on exactly what is required at immigration.

IELTS General Reading Test

Quarantine and Bio Security 

New Zealand has very strict bio-security regulations. It is illegal to import most foodstuffs (meat and meat products, honey, fruit, dairy, produce, etc.), and strict penalties are handed out to those breaking these rules. You may also need to take care when transferring wood products, golf clubs, footwear (which may have soil and dirt attached), tents (for the same reason), fishing equipment, and items made from animal skin (e.g., crocodile handbags).

The immigration arrivals card has full details. If in doubt, declare possibly illegal possessions to a Ministry of Agriculture official or dump them in one of the bins available at the airport. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in a heavy fine of up to $100,000 or imprisonment. As a result of these quarantine procedures, you should expect some delay on arrival.

IELTS General Reading Test

Travelling with Children 

For information on exactly what will be required at immigration, please contact the New Zealand High Commission in London.


There are some restrictions on bringing medication into New Zealand. Prescription medicines may be brought in only if they fulfill certain criteria. Please visit the New Zealand Customs website for more information on importing prescription medications. Remember: if you arrive in New Zealand with any prescription medicines, you must declare them on your passenger arrival card.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS from the text for each answer.

14. What must you hold to enter New Zealand?

15. What is the minimum passport validation period for exiting New Zealand?

16. What is one entry requirement that proves your intention to exit New Zealand?

17. New Zealand has very strict……………….. . 

18. What is the maximum fine for violating bio-security regulations?

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the statements below. In boxes 19–22 on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE                If the statement is true.

FALSE              If the statement is false.

NOT GIVEN     If the information is not given in the passage.

19. British passport holders wishing to work in New Zealand do not have to get a visa allowing employment. 

20. You need to ensure your used golf clubs do not have soils attached when you enter New Zealand. 

21. You may contact the New Zealand High Commission in London for more information on immigration requirements.  

22. You do not have to declare it on your passenger arrival card if prescription medicines fulfill certain criteria.

IELTS General Reading Test

Advice for Motorists

Take extreme care when driving over a railway level crossing.

Obey the warning signs and look carefully in both directions for trains. Listen, be aware, and pay careful attention to your surroundings. Always ensure there is space on the other side of the crossing for your vehicle.

When approaching a level crossing where lights and bells are operating, or barrier arms are lowered or have started to come down, you must:

IELTS General Reading Test

● stop your car, 

● wait for the train to pass, and

● wait for the lights to stop flashing and the barrier arms to lift before entering the crossing.

At level crossings controlled by either “give way” or stop signs alone, you must:

● Slow down and be prepared to stop.

● If there is a stop sign, you must stop your vehicle completely and look both ways up and down the tracks to check the railway lines are clear.

● Wait for any approaching train to pass before crossing. 

● Where there is more than one track, look again for trains coming in the opposite direction. Cross only when the railway lines are clear of trains. 

IELTS General Reading Test

Never overtake a vehicle that has stopped for a train or try to race a train over the crossing – trains are usually travelling faster than you think.  

Some vehicles (such as those carrying dangerous goods) are legally required to stop at a level crossing, unless automatic alarms are installed. Always take care when traveling behind these vehicles. For further information on safe driving behavior at level crossings, see the New Zealand Road Code.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

23. When …………………. come down, you must stop the car and wait.

24. When you see a stop sign, your …………………. must be stopped completely.

25. Before you pass the crossing, check and wait for …………………. which is approaching.

26. You must not …………………. vehicles waiting for the trains to pass at the level crossing.

27. Some vehicles carrying dangerous products should stop except those vehicles have ………………….

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 526

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IELTS General Reading Test





18. $100,000


20. TRUE

21. TRUE







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