BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th January

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th January

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Rashika Sood.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rashika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

When was the last time you were alone?

Last night, I had come from a stressful day of work so I decided to stay in for the entire evening with some Netflix and hot tea. Although I’m kind of a social butterfly (a social person), I have come to enjoy nights in by myself from time to time. I think all of us need that as a balance.

What do you like to do when you are alone?

As I’m a tea addict, that’s my number one activity to do alone. Furthermore, I enjoy reading a book or a series on Netflix. I tend to get lost in (to become fully involved in) those two activities. Moreover, I enjoy taking a walk alone around town and people watching (observing strangers).

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you wish to have more time alone?

Definitely not. As I live alone in a studio apartment, I sometimes get lonely, so I take every opportunity to have social interactions to avoid sitting at home alone. I would consider myself a mixture between introvert and extrovert, but definitely leaning more towards extrovert. Although I appreciate my time alone, I certainly don’t crave (have an urge to do) anymore.

Is it important to have some time alone?

Without a doubt! I think we all need some time alone for self-reflection (thinking about yourself and what you do). Furthermore, when we spend too much time with people, we tend to get annoyed with them, even take them for granted (not appreciate them) at times. With this said, we all need a break from people to remember just how great they are.

Do you like to watch films?/Do you like watching movies?

Absolutely, I am a movie buff! They are an excellent way to unwind. Moreover, my friends are really into films, so it’s a fun, relaxing way to spend time together. Afterwards, we discuss and debate the film that we have just watched. Apart from just relaxing and enjoying the film, I like to delve deeper to discover the subliminal messages.

IELTS Speaking Test

What kinds of movies do you like best?/What kind of movies do you like?

Well, I would say I’m still a kid at heart, so I really enjoy watching animations. Although they seem simple and innocent, there are often many life lessons packed into these films. Moreover, I’m really into blockbuster drama and periodic movies with excellent screenplay and riveting plots. When I watch these, I feel that I can deeply understand human emotions and relive historical moments, like the Vietnam-America War or World War II.

Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

Since my country doesn’t have a huge film industry, I’ve always been really into American films. Not to knock other film industries, but American ones are incredibly entertaining and well-made; the evolution of film continues to amaze me. Moreover, I only watch films in English so it helps me to learn new slang and expressions.

IELTS Speaking Test

How often do you watch films?

Well, I am quite a busy bee, but I manage to see one or two films a week at home. After a long day of studying, I love snuggling up on the sofa and watching a film to unwind. I tend to do this on Friday and Sunday evenings with my friends.

How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?/How often do you go to the cinema?

Not too often actually. As the prices in my country are quite high, I usually opt to watch a movie at home instead to save on costs. Actually, I think it’s kind of a waste of money to see a movie at a cinema when you can watch it from the comfort of your living room. I only go when a friend invites me, which is maybe 4 times a year.

IELTS Speaking Test

One poisonous plant that I am aware of is oleander. Oleander is a shrub that is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. It is often used in landscaping due to its attractive flowers, which can be pink, white, or red. You can see oleander growing in gardens, along roadsides, and in parks, especially in warmer climates.

IELTS Speaking Test

Although oleander is admired for its beauty, it is highly toxic. The entire plant, including its leaves, flowers, and stems, contains a potent toxin called oleandrin. This toxin can cause severe poisoning if ingested, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, irregular heartbeats, and, in extreme cases, death. However, in small, controlled doses, oleander has been used in traditional medicine to treat certain heart conditions, but its use is very dangerous without proper supervision due to the risk of poisoning.

I first learned about oleander when I was traveling to a tropical region, where I saw it planted in many gardens. The locals warned me about its toxicity, which piqued my interest. Later, I read more about it in books on poisonous plants and online resources.

IELTS Speaking Test

Why do people plant poisonous plants despite the risks?

People often plant poisonous plants like oleander because they are visually appealing and can thrive in specific climates, such as tropical or subtropical regions. Additionally, they can serve as natural barriers or hedges due to their dense foliage.

Can poisonous plants ever be beneficial?

Yes, some poisonous plants have medicinal properties when used correctly and under supervision. For example, oleander has been used in traditional medicine for treating heart conditions, but it is crucial to handle such plants with care, as improper use can be fatal.

IELTS Speaking Test

What measures can be taken to prevent poisoning from these plants?

To prevent poisoning, it is essential to educate people, especially children, about the dangers of poisonous plants. Proper signage in public areas, safety instructions in gardens, and keeping such plants away from areas where children play are also important preventive measures. Furthermore, people should avoid using these plants for self-medication without consulting a professional.

How can people identify poisonous plants?

Identifying poisonous plants can be challenging, but many have distinctive features like bright, attractive flowers, specific leaf patterns, or unusual fragrances. It is advisable to consult plant identification guides or apps, and in case of doubt, avoid touching or ingesting unfamiliar plants.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 15th January

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