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BEST IELTS Speaking interview, 24th September

What is your full name?
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Sukhpreet.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here you go.
What are your ideas towards home?
I am very proud of my home. My father got it built according to modern design and architecture. It is double-storey building. It is airy and properly ventilated. It has all the basic amenities of life.
Do you have any kitchen garden in your house?
Yes, there is a small kitchen garden in my house. We have planted vegetables and other plants in this garden. We sit in the garden in the evenings.
Is there anything special in your house?
Yes, there are so many things special about my house. First, it is situated in the heart of the city. Secondly, its architecture is the latest one. Rooms are big and cozy. Whenever any party function takes place, we can easily hold it in our home.
Is housing problem a major problem in your country? Why?
Yes, housing problem is a major problem. Population problem in our country has given rise to this problem. Secondly horizontal style of construction has swallowed much of the land.
Should the government do something to solve the housing problem?
Yes, government should solve this problem. Home loans should be made available at low rates of interest. Specially subsidized homes for E.W.S (Economically Weaker Sections) should be constructed by the government. Vertical construction should be promoted that so many families can be adjusted at the same piece of land.
Are there any alteration needed in your home?
Yes. There are small alterations needed in our home. In kitchen, a chimney should be installed. There should be a provision for the installation of A.C. in my parents’ bedroom. The kitchen garden needs more space than allotted now.
How far other facilities are from your home?
My house is situated in the heart of the city and so such facilities as railway station, bus stand, hospitals, schools, colleges, bank and other markets are at a stone’s throw from my house.
– How you do the shopping
– Where from you do the shopping
– What is special about it
Shopping is not a child’s play. It requires a lot of interest and intelligence. My parents have faith in my shopping. There are some special traits of my shopping.
First, I do the shopping only when there is a great necessity. I am not an emotional spender. Daily we see many advertisements appearing in different places. These catching adverts cannot trap me.
Secondly, I am brand-conscious. I always buy branded items because these brands give you the best quality products, though a bit expensive. If something goes wrong with the quality of a product, it is company brand that suffers the most. Thirdly, I do not do the shopping at those places where there is a good scope of bargaining. Bargaining is done, I believe at the cost of quality. Fourthly, I do not do the shopping from small scale outlets. I prefer to buy things either from the shopping complexes or the shopping malls.
As far as off-season shopping is concerned, it is not my cup of tea. I cannot think of wasting my money on items going out of fashion and moreover why should I preserve it for ten to twelve months?
Do you think there is a change in the shopping style today?
Yes, of course. These days the average income of an Indian family has increased. This has brought about qualitative and quantitative changes in shopping. The people have started buying branded items and even their frequency has also increased.
Which categories of people do the bargaining these days?
Usually the people do not believe in bargaining. Now the people have started believing that bargaining means compromising with the quality of the product. But even today the illiterate and semi-qualified people believe in bargaining.
Do you think advertisement is necessary for the sale of the product?
Yes, these days advertisement is used to promote the sale of various products from provisions up to automobiles. These advertisements provide a lot of information to the customers.
According to you, which facilities should be provided by the shopping centres?
According to me there are some of the basic facilities needed by the customers. Parking, credit card, ATM and editing facilities should be provided at the shopping centres.