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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th May

What is your name?
My name is Jadhbsf Kaliadu.
How may i address you?
You may address me as Jadhbsf.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here it is.
IELTS Speaking
Do you keep plants at home?
Yes there are lots of plants at my home. I keep them in the mud pots. They look very beautiful and are soothing to the eyes.
What plant did you grow when you were young?
When I was young I grew a plant known as money plant. I grew it in a glass bottle. Since it is called as money plant I believed that if this plant grows, I will also become rich.
Do you know anything about growing a plant?
Well I am not an expert but I know we have to regularly feed water and manure to the plant and we should keep it in sunlight for it to grow. Sometimes we also have to use insecticides to prevent it from insects.
IELTS Speaking
What was the dream job for you when you were young?
When I was young I wanted to become a pilot.
Have you changed your mind on your dream job?
Yes I have changed my mind as it is very expensive to become a pilot and it involves lot of studies. But I still plan to take flying lessons.
What kinds of jobs are popular in your country?
In my country computer or IT related jobs are more popular these days because these are well paid jobs.
IELTS Speaking
Describe a time you gave advice to others.
You should say:
– who you gave the advice to;
– what advice you gave;
– why this person needed your advice;
and explain how useful the advice was.
IELTS Speaking
I tend to have close relationships with my friends, and am always eager to help them out. I have this friend in particular who I’ve grown up with; we’re pretty close. I will tell you about some serious career advice I gave him recently. Well, here’s some background.
Last year he was working at an international company and doing quite well, so he was offered a big promotion to become a manager. However, he had also been looking for opportunities to study abroad, and had recently received an offer from a prestigious university around the same time he got the job offer. It was a scholarship that would cover all expenses, including tuition and accommodation, an enviable package. So, he was really in a pickle over what to do. It was tough for him to decide whether to pursue his career or his education. So, we met up to discuss this.
When he asked for my advice, I told him that if he wanted to be successful in his field, he needed to possess excellent qualifications. If he didn’t, there would be a limit to how far he could reach. Although this promotion may look good now, there may be a small window for growth. After this advice, he decided to take my advice and is now studying at Yale. All in all, he saw that pursuing his education would pay off more in the future.
IELTS Speaking
Should people make their own work and career decisions, or is it a good idea to ask for advice about this?
It is always a good idea to ask for advice but let that be just an advice because we are the only ones who can decide about our own future. So with this said, we can’t rely too heavily on the voice of others. We shouldn’t let their words dictate (control) our lives, as we are the only people who have truly lived in our own shoes.
What would you say are the characteristics of a good adviser?
A good adviser must be a neutral person and being able to look at the problem and solve it in the best possible way without hesitation. Furthermore, they shouldn’t let their own bias (preference) creep into (come into) an objective situation. So, with this said, sometimes family and friends aren’t the best people to ask for advice.
IELTS Speaking