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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th August

What is your full name?
My name is Sukhveer Kaur.
Can I see your ID?
Here it is! This is my passport.
Where are you from?
I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.
Are you working or study?
At present, I am pursuing my bachelor of education in Desh Bhagat College.
Are you satisfied with your study?
Yes, I am, because of this course I can get job in reputed company, also its very interesting for me and improved my knowledge.
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
Usually I use pencil because at the time of mistakes I can erase its, sometimes, for making assignments, I give preference to pen.
When was the last time you bought pen or pencil?
If my memory serves me well, last Monday I used pen because my teachers gave me homework and I had to save it for long time, so I used pen.
How would you react if someone sent you a pen as a gift?
I appreciate, because it will be best gift for me that I can use in my daily routine.
Should children learn science?
I think yes, because with the help of this students can learn about basic elements and in this modern area, it is impossible to imagine life without science.
Why is it helpful?
The main thing is that students can know about human body, new inventions and chemical, with the help of this they can enhance their knowledge.
Did you have science class in primary or high school?
Yes, as I belong to Punjab and science subject is compulsory since first standard to till matriculation.
Describe a friend or a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.
You should say:
– Who this person is
– What this person encourage you to do
– What this person has help
And explain why this encouragement helps you to achieve the goal
I’m going to talk about a friend and ex-coworker of mine named Billy. He has been a friend of mine for years now, and is always a shoulder to lean on. He has always been there for me through thick and thin, and I don’t know where I would be today without him. Let me tell you more.
I’ve always dreamt of being an entrepreneur but was unsure of myself before. I first met Billy at the International School I used to work for before. We were both teachers and hating our lives working under someone. So, one day we got together and started sharing ideas about starting our own language school. I’m good with people and thinking of creative ideas, while Billy is more apt to deal with numbers and the business side of things.
He encouraged me to fulfill my dreams and put my creative ideas to test, while I encouraged him to put his number and business skills to use. He would tell me that my ideas could change the world, which made me feel on top of the world. I needed someone to believe in me to this degree, as I didn’t feel that my ideas were good enough to start my own business before. Through mutual encouragement, we ended up where we are today.
We have now owned our own school for 3 years and counting! We have had success because we always build each other up and focus on our strengths rather than our weaknesses. By helping one another, we both felt enough confidence to achieve our dreams. We certainly make a great team!
What are the kinds of goals that are unrealistic?
I think goals which are in tune with a person’s personality are realistic. I mean if I decide to do something which would require me to make a drastic change in my personality, I would not be able to achieve it. So that would be unrealistic for me.
Do young people and old people have different kinds of goals? What are they?
I think both yes and no. Yes, in the sense that young people goals are more about achieving something in life, while goals for old people are about helping their young achieve their goals in life. No because sometimes goals can be similar too, for example see both young and old trying to lose weight and look smart in the gyms.
What is more fulfilling working towards a goal or achieving it?
I think both are fulfilling in their own sense. Working towards a goal is about meeting and overcoming challenges, it is about failing and getting back up. Finally, achieving a goal brings a feeling and that efforts did make a difference. However, if we didn’t struggle to achieve something, neither the work we put in nor the final goal brings in fulfillment.