BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd August



What is your full name?

My name is Pariksha Sumbhra.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Pariksha.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like to watch sports on TV?

Not at all! I despise it. I get extremely bored and disinterested. I usually try to avoid watching sports on TV at all costs unless it’s an exciting event, like the World Cup or Super Bowl. In that case, I go for the social event rather than the game itself.

Do you play any sports?

Not anymore. I was an avid swimmer as a child, but I gave that up after high school, as it was quite time-consuming. Nowadays, I enjoy going to the gym, running around the lake by my house, and going on mountain treks. I’m not sure if these are considered sports, but I’m really into physical activity.

Which is the popular sports in your country?

Soccer of course! As soccer is the sport of the world, that would be number one. People go wild when our team wins a game- they even drive around waving flags, blocking off the streets! Apart from this, many people enjoy playing tennis and doing martial arts.

Who is your favorite sports star?

As I’m not a big sports fan, I don’t really have one. However, I think I may like Cristiano Ronaldo. Although I don’t know anything about him or his athletic abilities, I think I’ve always been drawn to him because of his looks.

What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?

I’m really intrigued by soccer. I think it’s something that can really connect people, as well as is good cardiovascular and coordination activity. Actually, I wish I had gotten into it as a child. I think it would be interesting to join a league in my city.


Describe a journey that you went on by car

You should say:

– When it was

– Where you went

– Who you were with

And you felt about the journey


It was the day before the long weekend of Labor Day and I had nothing to do, no plans, nothing at all. So, I decided to give my friends a shout. Luckily, they were also free so we decided to spend this holiday together to celebrate all the hard work we do. This is how we started the road trip and I didn’t know it was going to be an outstanding experience. Let me tell you about it!

We decided to go to the Grand Canyon, a place with beautiful landscapes and stunning hikes during the sunset. As soon as we arrived, the first task we completed was to set up the tents and small fires near us because it was a pitch-black night. We were lucky enough to see a shooting star going above our heads.

The next morning, we woke up really early to start one of the most famous hikes of the area. I would have to say that is was worth every second of it. As we packed everything back to the cars to go back to the city, we saw a giant raven, trying to eat some leftovers from other camping grounds. That was just the perfect way to end the trip- in primitive nature, yet having fun at the same time.

That weekend was something else. I felt it was a bonding experience to get to know my friends more, as well as a nice time to unwind from our hectic lives in the city. In conclusion, it was one heck of a weekend!


Is driving skill important?

Indeed, it is not just important; it’s a necessity here in the US. Unlike Europe, cities were built for cars, not people, here. Especially when you want to do a road trip for holidays or a small getaway. For example, since I bought a car, I could take advantage of a short weekend by taking a road trip for Labor Day ant to Chattanooga River. What a wonderful day to be alive, thanks to cars.

Do you think cars are a daily necessity?

Of course, I do, as they are necessary here in the US. They are a crucial part of the daily commuting I do from home to work and vice versa. Moreover, they help me a lot to be on time to the daily meetings I have, as I tend to be late often.

What will cars look like in the future?

I will say cars are going to be very different in the near future, all of this due to new technologies in aerodynamics and electrical batteries. Just imagine a car without an engine and solely power by solar energy or electricity. That will definitely change the shape, therefore, the entire appearance of a car. Even just from the 90’s and 2000’s to now, you can see a drastic change in cars- I can’t imagine what the future holds!


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