BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th December



What’s your name?

My name is Rohan Bharadwaj.

How may I address you?

You may call me by my first name Rohan.

May I see your ID?

Here it is.

Do you work or study?

I am pursuing my Bachelors of Technology.

Which subjects do you study?

I study various subjects of science and technology.

Do you feel bored?

I sometimes feel monotonous when I do the things in which I don’t have the interest such as watching cricket, online games and many more.

Do you save money when you were a child?

I saved money when I was a child, I used to save my pocket money so that I can utilize it in an effective way or to buy something useful.

Do you give money as a gift?

Till now I have not given money as a gift to anyone, I believe when we have to give a present we should give a thing which is useful for a person like things of daily routine or any plant so that a person can remember us.


A journey that you took by a public transport

You should say

– When and where you went

– What kind of transport you used

– How was your trip

– And explain why you chose public transport


Well, being a peripatetic, I love to visit different kinds of places all over the world whether they are historical, religious or geographic. I had visited various places with my family and friends as well. Well sometimes I went on my vehicle or public transport vehicles on school and college buses. But, today I would like to talk about a visit using public transport which I made with my friends. I remember it was the time when I was a graduation student.

Actually, a camp was organized by ITI DELHI which was sponsored by Youth for Peace International (YFPI) to give message of peace and brotherhood. This camp was held for seven days in Rishikesh. Our college asked all students to participate in it and gave well guidance for this before the week ago. I with my friends decided to go there and to attend the camp with full spirit. However, on the day of departure, we all gathered at my place because my home was near to Railway Station. Before 1 hour to the train we reached Delhi railway station, from where we started our journey to Rishikesh (Uttrakhand). We boarded the passenger train at 9 o’clock in the morning.

Moreover, it was the longest journey of my life in a public transport but it becomes indelible trip because of my friends. We all played lot of games to kill the time during journey. We all were excited and saw the natural scenery of the place through windows on whole journey. Even we saw some beautiful animals along with birds like peacock, parrots and some rare birds like swift. Finally, we reached our destination late night around 2 a.m. and took rest as next day we had to join camp 8:00 a.m. in morning. There we spent 7 days with people from different parts of India.

We learned various skills of management, co-operation and co-ordination. It seems that the time field away with a blink of an eye and has become indelible time of my life.


Do you think people should use public transport more often?

Yes, I think people should use public transport because it is cost-effective and more people can travel one time as compared to the private transport. If more people will use public transport rather than private then it would assist to reduce the traffic congestion which will ultimately solve the problem of pollution and earth can become a better place to live.

What type of public transport is in use in your country?

In my nation various type of public transport such as Buses, Trains, Aero plane are there but these days with the advent of technology cabs are there by which people can book taxi at any time and at any place but buses, trains, plans have specific time but Taxis can be taken at anytime.

Do you think government invests in public transport?

Yes, I think that government invests a huge amount of fiscal funds to make public transport more comfortable and easier. Moreover, public transport facility is increased during peak hours. Furthermore, in some part of my nation metro trains have been introduced to meet the needs of people. They can travel long distances in short period of time.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th December


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