BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th December


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th December
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th December



What is your full name?

My name is Ram Kumari.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is! This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.

Do you usually use a pen or pencil?

Being a student, both pen and pencil have become an integral part of my life. However, most of the time, I prefer to use pencil so that I can easily erase my mistakes.

When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?

Well, I’ve just bought this morning only when by mistake I had lost my previous pencil.

How would you react if someone sent you a pen as a gift?

Without a doubt, I’d be astounded most especially if I get a parker fountain pen is not expensive, the fact that the person gives me a present is what I care the most.

When do you concentrate?

I really need to focus in all kinds of situations to perform better. But I believe the two most important times are when I drive and while taking exams.

Do you find it difficult to concentrate?

When I’m worried my mind can become scattered, as it’s harder to dismiss any distractions coming my way.

Is it easy for you to do two or more things at the same time?

Well, I think it depends upon complexity or importance of the activity. For simple routine tasks, it’s not a problem. As a matter of fact, I prefer doing it as it can sure time.

How do you concentrate?

To make myself concentrate better, I like to remove things that may distract me. For instance, during my reading time, I actually turn off my smart phone.


Describe a thing you bought but had no knowledge about it.


Not all persons are perfect to operate all things at all time, they have to talk with others and get knowledge about particular product. Actually, I am one of them who do not have confidence about new things, always I take advice from others. Here I want to shed light on one situation when I bought new microwave. If I look back, I vividly remember last month, bought microwave, although it was not cumbersome task, I was feeling like hard nut to crack.

At first day, I thought to prepare cake, read all instructions and tried to follow, still I was blank.

Actually, I had to make it immediately before arriving my mother at home. So, I made call to my friend and told to come in my home, within one hour she came to me. Firstly, she taught me how to set temperature according to dish, after that told me about utensils that can be used in microwave, as well as she taught me how can I prepare cousins that take maximum hours. By following her instructions it was easy for me to prepare cake.

Finally, I prepared it, when my mother came at and saw, she was amazed to see cake, that was really great time for me because first time cake was baked by me without help of my mother even I used microwave at first time that was the main thing that astonished my mother more. This was not possible without help of my friend so that’s the time when I was trying to anything but was difficult to use.


Is age will make a different for a person to learn new skill?

No, I don’t think so, age will become a obstacle for a person to doesn’t matter other he is children, youngster or old age people because of people have a great Tenacity/determination to learn something then they can learn everything in any age. For instance nowadays old age people are also learning to use technological gadgets. Although they are oblivious/unaware about the usage of these gizmos/technological gadgets, yet they are learning.

Nowadays most of companies waste the natural resources do you agree or disagree?

Well, I totally disaccord with this notion because nowadays everyone knows the value of the natural resources as these are diminishing day by day. So, most of the companies are utilizing natural resources in a limited amount. To like an example one of the company named as nestle, are the people about the decreasing amount of such resources by signing boards.

Give the example of one product which is environmentally friendly.

According to my vantage, Although, It is very hard to find any product which is eco-friendly, yet I think bicycle is the product which is not only contaminate the air but also beneficial for health of the people. As a result, I can say it act as an ice on a cake.

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th December


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