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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd December

What is your full name?
My name is Balbeet Kumar.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here it is.
Do you keep plants at home?
Yes there are lots of plants at my home. I keep them in the mud pots. They look very beautiful and are soothing to the eyes.
What plant did you grow when you were young?
When I was young I grew a plant known as money plant. I grew it in a glass bottle. Since it is called as money plant I believed that if this plant grows, I will also become rich.
Do you know anything about growing a plant?
Well I am not an expert but I know we have to regularly feed water and manure to the plant and we should keep it in sunlight for it to grow. Sometimes we also have to use insecticides to prevent it from insects.
What was the dream job for you when you were young?
When I was young I wanted to become a pilot.
Have you changed your mind on your dream job?
Yes I have changed my mind as it is very expensive to become a pilot and it involves lot of studies. But I still plan to take flying lessons.
What kinds of jobs are popular in your country?
In my country computer or IT related jobs are more popular these days because these are well paid jobs.
Do you usually spend time by yourself?
Yes, I believe it is very important for everyone to spend some good time alone, so I usually give time to myself.
What did you do last time you were by yourself?
Ummm, Last time when I was alone, I did some drawing along with listening to my favorite music.
Do you like spending time by yourself?
Yes, I really enjoy being alone because it makes me feel relaxed.
Describe a time when you were cheated
You should say:
– What was the occasion?
– Who was the person?
– What did he or she do?
Being betrayed by a friend, whom you trust with your life, hurts the most. The pain lasts longer when it is done by closest ones. I would like to share my experience about how a friend stabbed me at my back.
It was around a year ago, when my close friend Meenu asked me to lend my iPhone to her. Although I was completely aware of her careless nature, but being her bossom friend Icould not turn down her request. She needed my phone to complete her pending work by searching information on internet as her own phone broke down.
Moreover, she assured me to keep it safe and return it back as soon as she had finished her college assignments. As I had a spare phone, so I gave my phone to her for completing this work. I waited for 2 weeks for Meenu to give back my phone.
I felt suspicious when she started giving lame excuses for returning it. Apart from this, She even stopped taking my calls when I decided to visit her to get back my belonging. She confessed that she misplaced it there. Due to her negligence, she forgot it at changing room later when she came back for it, she was not able to findit.
She was lying to me whole the time. Thus, I felt extremely deceived when I learnt about the entire truth. In addition, she was afraid to tell me the reality as it could affect our friendship. But I’d have accepted her apology if she had told me about it in the first time without giving excuses. I forgave her later as she was very guilty for her irresponsible behaviour.
What is the definition of cheating?
I would say, cheating is when you act dishonesty and unfairly to get an advantage. There are many types of people who cheat in different sorts like, students cheat in an exam, kids cheat on their parents for some mistakes and many more types of cases in every city, the country also.
Do you feel everyone cheats in relationships?
Well, I do not think everybody cheats and the reason why is because, I think it’s about your morals, values, self-respect, and self-control. Cheating is choice. You either choose to cheat or not as well as, it’s depend on the relation. Sometimes people cheat in relation for a good reason and many folks are say lie for save the happiness and relationship.
Do you think if people stopped cheating the world would be a better place?
Definitely, if folks stopped the cheating in every situation world will be more peaceful with it, maybe people achieve little less but it makes sure they live happy and fearless. Children also get good moral values and knowledge.