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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 528

How to write a personal statement
Despite all the advice out there on writing personal statements, people still find plenty of room to include things they shouldn’t. Experts, however, agree on the common pitfalls to be avoided.
Introducing your personal statement: The daunting first line should be handled with care and make sure you strike a suitable tone. Head of admissions for the University of Sheffield, Alan Carlile, stresses the importance of a striking opening, but warns that using humour or radical statements to get the attention of an admissions tutor can go wrong. That said, you’ll want to avoid overused opening sentences.
IELTS General Reading Test
Write like you
Admissions tutors are looking for substance. The personal statements that don’t do well, says Alan Bird of Brighton College, are those which “lack genuine personal flavour”. Start telling your universities why you’re keen to study and why you’ll be the best student. Whatever you write needs to be intrinsically you, which is something easy to lose while rattling off achievements.
Make everything count
Steer clear of small talk and emphasise why what you’re saying is relevant. Remember that anything extra-curricular is padding, albeit the good kind, and needs to be presented in the right way. “Charity work or being captain of a sports team is very positive and can be great as part of a statement – but make sure whatever you include has relevance to what you are applying for,” says Alan Carlile. Clarify how your part-time job relates to you being an engineer and explain how your experience links to the course.
IELTS General Reading Test
Avoid displays of arrogance
Remember you’re applying to study something new. Your statement should convince universities that you’re excited to engage with new experiences based on your past experiences. Bragging about your achievements just won’t do this. “Confidence is great, veering into egotism is not,” says Carlile.
Avoid relying on technology
Don’t assume that your computer will pick up on every error; if you’re running factory standard ‘American English’, the spellchecker will be letting through all sorts of Zs which should be Ss in ‘British English’, for instance. “A spelling or grammar mistake is the kiss of death to an application,” says Ned Holt, former head of sixth form at Reading School. And mistakes are often hiding in plainsight as Ken Jenkinson, headmaster of Colchester Royal College, knows well: “This morning, we had a very bright student who spelt his name wrong.” The advice from both men? “Always have someone proofread it.” This should be someone you know have faith in to do a good job.
IELTS General Reading Test
Questions 14–20
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
What to do when writing a personal statement
– Make sure the 14……………… of your personal statement is impressive, but avoid using extreme statements and 15………………. statements to get the attention.
– Demonstrate evidence of 16……………… in your personal statement – admissions tutors want to learn about you.
– Explain the 17……………… of your past experience to the course you are applying for.
– Avoid being arrogant, but do show that you have some 18………………
– Check the grammar throughout your application and ensure also that there are no 19………… errors.
– Ask a person you trust to 20……………… your personal statement.
IELTS General Reading Test
Read the text below and answer Questions 21–26.
Benefits of volunteering
Aside from the obvious feel-good factor from giving your time to a worthy cause, volunteering has a number of key benefits for your career which make it well worth considering.
Here are just a few of the key benefits of volunteering:
Work in an industry that interests you
Charities and not-for-profit organisations recruit hundreds of thousands of volunteers every year throughout the UK and, as a result, the range of opportunities on offer is endless. From sports coaching to fundraising, ebay trading to mentoring, volunteering is a great way to hone your career skills in an area that interests you.
IELTS General Reading Test
If you’re unsure of what sector will be the best fit for you, Local Volunteer Centres, Charity Advisors and online services will help match your requirements with the opportunities on offer. And whilst you won’t get paid (apart from essential expenses) or receive benefits like pension contributions, you will have the opportunity to get involved in activities you may later want to pursue as a career.
Gain valuable skills and experience
As well as helping to equip you with the skills that many companies look for in staff, volunteering as part of a structured volunteer programme can expose you to a range of core workplace activities, including: communication, line management, teamwork and using your initiative.
IELTS General Reading Test
From writing newsletters to maintaining computer networks, the best way to get paid employment is often through experience, and the right volunteering opportunity is a rewarding way to achieve this. In fact, in certain sectors such as health and social care, or for certain types of company such as charities, volunteering may even be considered a pre-requisite.
Voluntary organisations are well aware that many people volunteer to gain experience, and as long as you can show your commitment and dedication to the cause from the outset, don’t be afraid to be honest regarding your motives, and use volunteering as a stepping stone to further your career.
IELTS General Reading Test
Improve your CV and become more successful at interviews
Establishing what experience you want to include in your CV will help you identify the right voluntary opportunity. And, once your CV is looking more complete, you’ll find it easier to reach the interview stage for the jobs you apply for.
Once at the interview, you will have the perfect opportunity to impress recruiters with your experiences and passion for your interests. Employers are well aware of the benefits of volunteering, and recognise the initiative and commitment that can be required of volunteers.
Whilst qualifications are undoubtedly of importance, voluntary work can help you get the experience you need. And remember, the benefits don’t end there: you’ll meet new people, try new things, and almost definitely have some fun at the same time.
IELTS General Reading Test
Questions 21–26
Choose ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
21. The number and ………………… of volunteering positions is huge.
22. The only money that volunteers receive is for ………………… .
23. Working in a volunteer programme can provide experience of ………………… which are a basic part of any job.
24. Some businesses, e.g. …………………, may only recruit staff who have volunteering experience.
25. Applicants for volunteering positions should be truthful about their ………………… .
26. Volunteering combines the benefit of having new experiences with that of having ………………… .
IELTS General Reading Test

IELTS General Reading Test
26. FUN
IELTS General Reading Test