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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 499

Online Advertising and Marketing
Paragraph A: Marketing your business using digital tools has become important, as people are increasingly using their mobile phones or tablets to browse products and services on the Internet. The Internet connects marketers to customers across the country and around the world. If you advertise online, remember the rules and guidelines that protect consumers also help businesses by maintaining the credibility of the Internet as a marketing medium. In addition, truth-in-advertising standards apply if you sell computers, software, apps, or other products or services.
Paragraph B
According to legislation, you must have a reasonable basis for stating or implying that a product can be shipped within a certain time. If your ad doesn’t include a shipping statement (and it doesn’t have to), you must have a reasonable basis to believe you can ship within 30 days. If you can’t ship when promised, you must notify the customer of the delay and the right to cancel. For definite delays of up to 30 days, you may treat the customer’s silence as agreement to the delay.
IELTS General Reading Test
For longer or indefinite delays, and second and subsequent delays, you must get the customer’s consent. If you don’t, you must promptly refund all the money the customer paid you without being asked. You can give updated shipping information over the phone if your Internet ad prompts customers to call to place an order. This information may differ from what you said or implied about the shipping time in your ad. The updated phone information supersedes any previous shipping representation, but you still must have a reasonable basis for the update.
Paragraph C
It’s deceptive to misrepresent directly or indirectly that a product offers a general environmental benefit. Your ads should qualify broad environmental claims or avoid them altogether to prevent deception about the specific nature of the benefit. In addition, your ads shouldn’t imply significant environmental benefits if the benefit isn’t considerable. Say a trash bag is labeled “recyclable” without qualification. Because trash bags ordinarily are not separated from other trash for recycling at a landfill or incinerator, it is unlikely that they will be used again. Technically, the bag may be “recyclable,” but the claim is deceptive because it asserts an environmental benefit where there is no significant or meaningful benefit.
IELTS General Reading Test
Paragraph D
Testimonials and endorsements must reflect the typical experiences of consumers, unless the ad clearly and conspicuously states otherwise. A statement that not all consumers will get the same results is not enough to qualify a claim. Testimonials and endorsements must be authentic and can’t be used to make a claim that the advertiser itself cannot substantiate.
Paragraph E
Online, mail and telephone order customers have the right to cancel their order for a limited time even if the goods aren’t faulty. You must offer a reimbursement to customers if they’ve told you within 14 days of receiving their goods that they want to cancel. They have another 14 days to return the goods once they’ve told you. You must pay the customer his/her money back within 14 days of receiving the goods back. They don’t have to provide a reason.
IELTS General Reading Test
Questions 15-20
There is some information on online advertising and marketing, AE, on the next page.
Which section of information mentions the following information?
Write the correct letter, A – E, in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.
15. Recommendations by previous customers provided in online advertising must be genuine.
16. Online sellers must obtain the buyer’s agreement if a product’s delivery is held up for longer than a month.
17. People buying products online don’t have to give a reason if they desire a refund.
18. A proper approach to online marketing is needed if online selling is to retain its integr and standing.
19. Advertising must not imply that a product is ecofriendly unless environmental propert are substantial.
20. Advertising for a product does not have to state the delivery date.
IELTS General Reading Test
Read the text below and answer questions 21-27.
Our Company Employee Policy
Our Employee Policy
Employee policies are an obligation for all employers and our company is no different. Our Employee Policy covers legal aspects of employment, such as anti-discrimination and harassment, workplace communications and attendance. Our Employee Policy is also a way for employers to implement punishment for employees who display inappropriate workplace behaviour, although we must hasten to add that this kind of action is very rare in our company. As a condition of employment, all of our employees must sign and attest that they have received and understand our Employee Policy.
Employee attendance policies allow employers to effectively communicate expectations regarding adherence to work schedules. We would like to emphasise the importance of regular attendance and the procedures for reporting tardies and absences. Our company operates a flexible rota.
Employees must be in the premises for 40 hours a week, but the start of the working day can be at any time between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. and the end of the working day can be at any time between 4 a.m. and 10 p.m. Employees should swipe their ID cards when they enter and leave the building, so that their attendance is recorded. If an employee is sick, he or she should contact their line manager as soon as is reasonably possible.
IELTS General Reading Test
A note from a medical practitioner should be provided for sickness time off longer than 2 days. If employees are late when turning up in the morning, a tardy will be issued by the employee’s line manager. An email will be sent to the employee, informing him or her that a tardy has been issued and the tardy will be recorded on the employee’s electronic file. Employees can ask their line manager to view their electronic file at any time. Sanctions for not adhering to the company attendance policy can be found in the disciplinary policy.
Electronic Communications
Most businesses use electronic communication such as phone and email, so co-workers and business partners can efficiently interact with each other. Our company implements an electronic communications policy to govern the use of Internet, email, mobile phones, telephones, fax machines and personal media devices. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the employees who have access to electronic devices use the technology for business purposes. Whilst employees are not banned from communicating with friends and family in work hours, employees should ensure that all this type of communication is done with reasonable frequency.
IELTS General Reading Test
Personal use of the Internet should be kept to an absolute minimum. Whilst our Internet recording system is not used to monitor employee Internet use, unreasonable Internet use is brought to our attention. Employees should communicate with the line manager immediately if there are any personal emergencies that need to be dealt with at work. This is to ensure the line manager can guarantee that any employee’s work is covered during these times.
Expenses and Benefits
It is the policy of our company to reimburse staff for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in connection with approved travel on behalf of the company. Travelers seeking reimbursement should incur the lowest reasonable travel expenses. For any travel, accommodation or food and drink expenses, documentation is required to be presented. First-class tickets are not reimbursable.
IELTS General Reading Test
Questions 21-27
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
Our Company Employee Policy
All companies have the (21)………………. to have employee policies and ours involves all aspects of our workplace. Our employee policy is also the basis for the unlikely event of any (22)………………. needing to be taken. Thanks to our (23)………………. Employees can come and go as they please as long as they fulfil the basic working week requirements. In case of sickness, an employee’s line manager must be informed ASAP with a doctor’s (24)……………….given for absences of more than 2 days.
Lateness is awarded with a tardy, which is communicated by email and recorded. Abuse of the attendance policy is dealt with according to our (25)………………. . The company’s electronic communications policy governs the private use of communication devices and personal communications should be minimised. The (26)………………. for Internet use will flag any unreasonable personal Internet usage. An employee’s line manager should be told ASAP of any personal emergencies. Any staff expenses incurred on company business will be reimbursed, provided the (27)………………. is submitted.
IELTS General Reading Test

IELTS General Reading Test
15. D
16. B
17. E
18. A
19. C
20. B
24. NOTE
IELTS General Reading Test