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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 498

The Wellington Physiotherapy Centre
The Wellington Physiotherapy Centre is a private clinic providing specialist treatment for sports injuries, back, neck and shoulder pain, post-op rehabilitation, vestibular disturbances, neurological conditions, work-place injuries and ergonomics. Our physiotherapists are all highly trained with extensive experience in many different specialties. We are fully registered with most major medical insurance companies.
Opening Hours:
Mon, Wed+ Fri: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Tues + Thurs: 8 a.m.-7.45 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Sun: Closed
We can usually offer an appointment within 24 working hours and often can do same day appointments. We also run a cancellation list which will notify us to call you if an appointment becomes available. All appointments are 30 minutes long. The initial consultation will include a full assessment, treatment and home exercise programme.
IELTS General Reading Test
You will only require a doctor’s referral if you have medical insurance and your policy requires it. Every patient and condition is different and it is therefore impossible to state exactly how many treatments will be required. Your physiotherapist will assess you and outline a treatment plan, which will be monitored and explained during your treatments.
Back Pain Physiotherapy
Sixty per cent of adults suffer from back pain every year. This can be the result of poor posture, injury, sickness or over use, and, if untreated, it can grow to be chronic. Back pain can also be the result of disease affecting bones and joints. Treatment may include manipulation, mobilisation, massage and electrotherapy. Exercises will be included to strengthen muscles that support the spine.
IELTS General Reading Test
Post-Operative Physiotherapy
Obtaining physiotherapy promptly following surgery is essential in speeding up the recovery process. Early intervention by our experienced team of physiotherapists will aid in the restoration of joint range of movement and strength, leading to improved function. We have had many years of experience in the rehabilitation of post-operative patients and we also have close links with surgeons regarding recuperation following various operations.
Work-Related Physiotherapy
With 2 million people suffering some sort of work related illness/injury every year, it is vital to deal with our working environment to limit injury. 30 million working days are lost yearly through illness, which equates to millions of dollars of lost earnings. The majority of postural related injuries can be resolved with prompt, effective treatment. With advice and an exercise programme established, further injury in the work place can then be prevented.
IELTS General Reading Test
Our physiotherapists are all highly skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of work place injuries and are involved with many large and small local businesses. One of our physiotherapists would be more than happy to also carry out a Work Station Assessment (WSA) in your place of work if deemed appropriate. They will then make suggestions of possible changes to the working environment that may benefit the individuals involved. They will also provide guidance to help reduce the stress on our bodies that we encounter in sustained postures on a daily basis.
Questions 1-7
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
1. Last minute appointments may be possible if people are on the ………………….
2. Some insurance companies require a …………………. from a physician if they are to pay for the treatment.
3. All patients will receive a …………………. for their treatment from their physiotherapist following examination.
IELTS General Reading Test
4. Back pain can become …………………. without intervention.
5. …………………. will be recommended to help patients’ back muscles become stronger.
6. The clinic liaises with relevant …………………. in order to get advice on some patients’ rehabilitation.
7. The clinic’s physiotherapists will offer advice on how to lessen the strain that repeated …………………. have on the body.
IELTS General Reading Test
Read the text below and answer questions 8-14.
Have a greener garden!
The idea of “going green” is appealing, but it can also be overwhelming. Here is some advice for having a garden that is interesting to look at, but also good for the environment.
Encouraging birds, mammals and insects to visit and live in your garden helps to look after local wildlife, keeps valuable green spaces thriving and can help restrict garden pests by encouraging natural predators. From large gardens to window boxes, all homes can be made more wildlife friendly.
Creating spaces to live and nest in is one way of making animals feel at home in your garden. Here are some simple ideas that can help.
IELTS General Reading Test
You can:
– leave logs in a corner of your garden to make a home for hedgehogs and insects.
– drill holes in pruned branches and logs to provide birds with shelter and nesting space.
– leave overgrown areas to provide places for animals, such as hedgehogs or foxes, to rest or hibernate.
– use bird and bat boxes.
Trees provide food and shelter for many types of wildlife, from insects to birds and bats. Trees like crab apple, pussy willow and hazel will thrive, even in small gardens. You can even grow a tree in a dustbin if you don’t have a garden. Native species like silver birch, hawthorn and yew support a wide range of insects, which in turn provide year-round food for mammals and birds. Grants may be available for tree planting, depending on whether you are planting a small wood on your land or a few trees in your community or local school.
IELTS General Reading Test
Starting a compost pile is a great idea. Composting takes your kitchen scraps and converts them to nutrient-rich food for your soil. You’ll add less trash to the landfill and make your plants happy. Ponds are a magnet for wildlife, attracting frogs, newts, dragonflies and other insects, as well as providing water for birds. If you haven’t got much space, you could use a bathtub. Garden ponds help to conserve aquatic and amphibian life.
Conserving rainwater is a great way to make less impact on the Earth while growing a greener garden. A rain barrel is also a relatively easy DIY project. They can also be bought at most garden shops and then all you need to do is to direct the flow of rain water from roofs into the barrel.
IELTS General Reading Test
Attract birds to your garden by using feeders and tables. Providing a bird bath can also help, as birds need to bathe often to keep their feathers in trim. Be sure to clean and top up the feeding areas regularly.
Pesticides can kill or discourage the wildlife you want to attract to your garden, including the predators that eat pests. If you use them, always follow the instructions on the label and dispose of out of date or waste products carefully. Never use the drain as a place to get rid of unwanted pesticides – it’s against the law and will contaminate water sources. Also avoid putting them in your household waste bin. Make sure pesticides or other hazardous chemicals from paints and finishes don’t get into ponds, as they can poison water life. Your council can give you advice on disposing of pesticides that you no longer need, but before you buy pesticides, ask yourself whether they are really necessary.
IELTS General Reading Test
Questions 8-14
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
8. What can be used as a natural way of controlling garden pests?
9. What can be put in a garden to create a living place for insects?
10. In what can a tree be planted if people don’t have a garden?
11. What can be obtained to help with the financial demands of planting trees?
12. What can be used as an alternative to a traditional garden pond?
13. What can be provided in a garden to help keep birds in good flying condition?
14. Where is it illegal to dispose of pesticides?
IELTS General Reading Test

IELTS General Reading Test
IELTS General Reading Test