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BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 30th January

Percentage of car ownership in Great Britain according to household.

The line graph shows the percentage of car owners in Great Britain from 1961-2001. At the first glance, the graph of 2+ cars and 1 car is seen rising over the years. The line graph for “No Car” decreased from 1961 to 2001. If we consider and check year by year, we can notice the changes of car owners in Great Britain.
In 1961, merely, 10% people owned 2 or more than 2 cars and almost 30% people owned one car. This started changing and the graph started rising in the following years. In 1971, we can see that almost 30% of households owned 2 cars. The increase is almost 20% in a decade. However, by 2001 the number of houses with two or more cars had risen to 48%. Overtaking the percentage of those with one car, which stayed constant at 38% after 1981. This automatically means that there will be a steep drop in households with no cars.
This is also evident from the graph. In 1961, the number was 70% and in 1971, the percentage fell down to 40%. !0 years later, the number came down to 30% and then 20% and finally in 2001, the number dropped to 10%. The percentage in households with no cars gradually decreased over the years while the number of 2+ cars in a household increased to 50% by 2001.