Affordable: inexpensive; reasonably priced.
Sentence: The restaurant serves good food at affordable prices.

Hideous: extremely ugly.
Sentence: She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed.

Immense: extremely large in size or degree;
Sentence: She is an artist of immense talent.

Confined: to limit an activity, person, or problem in some way
Sentence: He was confined to a wheelchair after the accident.

Guffaw: laugh loudly and heartily.
Sentence: He guffawed with delight when he heard the news that he became a father.

Lament: to express sadness and feeling sorry about something:
Sentence: She lamented over the loss of her best friend.

Effortless: requiring no physical or mental exertion.
Sentence: He made playing the guitar look effortless.

Formidable: extremely impressive in strength or excellence.
Sentence: Growing tomato crops during a severe drought proved to be formidable for one farmer.

Gripping: to hold something tightly, or stick to something
Sentence: The film turned out to be a gripping thriller.

Tedious: boring and too slow or long.
Sentence: He made a tedious 45-minute speech.

Chortle: to laugh, showing pleasure and satisfaction
Sentence: he chortled on hearing a joke of his friend.

Repetitive: saying or doing the same thing many times, so that it becomes boring
Sentence: She left the job because the work was too repetitive