Albeit: Although; even though.
Sentence: The policy was effective, albeit unpopular among the general public.
Contention: A strongly held belief or argument.
Sentence: The contention that technology undermines traditional values is widely debated.
Apt: Suitable or appropriate in the circumstances.
Sentence: Online education is an apt solution for individuals with limited access to schools.
Postulate: To suggest or assume something as a basis for reasoning.
Sentence: Some economists postulate that universal basic income can reduce inequality.
Pragmatic: Dealing with issues practically and realistically.
Sentence: A pragmatic approach is essential for solving global housing shortages.
Perennial: Long-lasting or recurring.
Sentence: Climate change has become a perennial challenge for world leaders.
Ramifications: The consequences of an action or event, especially complex ones.
Sentence: The ramifications of urbanization include overpopulation and resource depletion.
Precipitate: To cause something to happen suddenly or unexpectedly.
Sentence: A sharp rise in oil prices could precipitate an economic crisis.
Propagate: To spread or promote an idea or concept widely.
Sentence: Media plays a crucial role in propagating environmental awareness.
Ameliorate: To improve or make a problem better.
Sentence: Renewable energy can ameliorate the effects of climate change.
Conundrum: A complex or difficult problem.
Sentence: The lack of affordable housing is a conundrum faced by many urban centers.
Inefficacious: Not producing the desired result.
Sentence: The policy was criticized for being inefficacious in reducing unemployment.
Palliative: A temporary solution that does not address the root cause.
Sentence: Financial aid programs are often palliative measures rather than long-term solutions.
Quintessential: Representing the most perfect example of something.
Sentence: Education is the quintessential solution to alleviating poverty.