Strategies to Improve Writing Task 2 Questions
Writing is an important part in the language test. With the help of writing, a person can express his ideas to the other individuals with whom they cannot share by saying. If a person has written properly his ideas or thoughts, it means that he is a successful writer as he is able to make understand the other individual his thoughts.
Strategies to Improve Writing
Here are some ways by which the writing skills can be improved:-
1. First of all, before start writing, understand the topic fully. It includes the keywords and the demand of essay .Give one minute to yourself and read twice or thrice till the time you don’t understand the topic fully.
2. After understanding, plan it for 2-3 minutes so that you must not feel any type of difficulty while writing. If we plan our essay, we already know what has to be written in it which consumes less time to write and represent our ideas.
Strategies to Improve Writing
3. There should be four paragraphs based on the topic of your essay.
* Introduction
* Body paragraph-1
* Body Paragraph-2
* Conclusion
Write each paragraph properly in order to score high.
4. For writing introduction part, firstly rephrase the topic in your own language by using synonyms. Then, write thesis statement with your clear opinion.
Strategies to Improve Writing
5. For Body Paragraph 1 and 2, elaborate the topic sentences properly in order to score high band scores. You can use connectors like ‘to explain it’, ‘ to elaborate it’, ‘For Instance’, ‘For example’, to express your ideas fully.
6. To explain it properly, think the reasons of why and how. Why is this the case? How this happened? By this way, you will be able to explain your topic fully.
7. For conclusion, write topic sentences by rephrasing it and give your opinion also.
Strategies to Improve Writing
8. In opinion based essays, keep your opinion clear till the end of your essay. If you are confused and are not able to make the examiner understand what you want to write. Then, you will not score high. Therefore, you must give clear opinion throughout your essay.
9. Last but not the least, proof read your essay to find out your mistakes. The less mistakes will be in your essay, the more band scores you will get. So, proof reading is the most important thing before submitting your answer sheet.
Strategies to Improve Writing
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