Quixotic: Extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
Sentence: His quixotic quest to save the world from hunger seemed noble but ultimately unattainable given the complexity of the issue.

Pusillanimous: Lacking courage or determination; timid.
Sentence: The pusillanimous leader hesitated to make any tough decisions, preferring to wait for someone else to take charge.

Excoriate: To criticize or berate severely.
Sentence: The film critic excoriated the director’s latest movie, calling it a waste of time and money.

Mellifluous: Sweetly flowing or sounding; pleasing to the ear.
Sentence: Her mellifluous voice echoed through the hall, captivating everyone in the audience with its smooth, musical quality.

Obdurate: Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action.
Sentence: Despite all the evidence presented, the senator remained obdurate in his stance against the proposed environmental reforms.

Lachrymose: Tearful or given to weeping; sad or sorrowful.
Sentence: The lachrymose farewell at the airport left both friends and family fighting back tears.

Nefarious: Wicked or criminal.
Sentence: The nefarious schemes of the villain finally caught up with him, and he was arrested by the authorities.

Surreptitious: Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
Sentence: His surreptitious glances at the confidential documents did not go unnoticed by his suspicious colleagues.

Flabbergasted: Extremely surprised or shocked.
Sentence: She was flabbergasted when she won the grand prize, unable to believe her luck.

Exigent: Requiring immediate action or attention.
Sentence: The exigent nature of the situation meant that they had no time to waste and needed to act swiftly to prevent disaster.

Impecunious: Having little or no money; poor.
Sentence: The impecunious artist struggled to make ends meet, often sacrificing meals in order to buy art supplies.

Ineluctable: Unable to be avoided or resisted; inevitable.
Sentence: The ineluctable march of time left him no choice but to face the consequences of his past decisions.

Rebarbative: Unattractive and unpleasant.
Sentence: His rebarbative personality made it difficult for him to make friends or form lasting relationships.

Apropos: With reference to; concerning; relevant.
Sentence: His comment was apropos to the ongoing discussion about climate change, offering valuable insights into the topic.

Voracious: Having a very eager approach to an activity; insatiable.
Sentence: The voracious reader devoured books on a daily basis, never seeming to tire of exploring new genres.