Media Vocabulary

Episode –a separate part of shows or television series.
Sentence-This is my favorite serial I don’t miss any episode of it

Mass media- newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the Internet.
Sentence-Thanks to mass media we can get the updates around the world in a fraction of second.

Online scams – a type of fraud performed by a dishonest individual, group who makes use of the Internet in order to make money.
Sentence- Protect yourself from online scams.

Breaking news– newly received information about an event that is currently happening.
Sentence- The breaking news on social media is fake most of the time.

Commercial advertising- advertising on the radio or television, between or during programmes that is typically for the purpose of educating consumers or promoting specific product or service.
Sentence- Commercial advertising plays an important role in boosting the sale of a product.

Live broadcast – live programmes on television or radio.
Sentence-We watched a live broadcast of the cricket match.

Classified ads- a short advertisement that you put in a newspaper or magazine, usually because you want to sell something.
Sentence- Unfortunately, too many people misuse classified ads.

Periodical- a magazine or newspaper on a particular subject that is published regularly.
Sentence- A periodical town newsletter that is supported by local advertisers.

Domestic news-information about something that has happened recently of or inside a particular country.
Sentence- The newspaper provides more international news than domestic news.

To keep abreast of something- to stay up-to-date with the new information about something.
Sentence- Newspaper is the best way to keep abreast of something.

Describe one of your favourite electronic media (like TV/ radio etc.)
You should say:
– what is it and why it’s your favourite
– what you do with it
– why it is useful to you
– and describe the advantages and disadvantages of this media.
My favourite electronic media is television, and I guess this is the most popular electronic media in the world. With the popularity of the satellite channels and diversity of the programmes offered by different channels, people have started accepting TV as a mean to enjoy their time.
With the satellite network connection watching even more than 500 channels cost a very little per month in my country. A large number of TV channels offer information, news, entertainment, an insight into an event, weather reports, live shows and so on due to this quality we can say that this medium is the best in Mass media. People can spend hours after hours watching TV episode which are thoroughly entertaining and educative. People heavily rely on their television for to keep abreast of latest domestic news and international news ven they get the breaking news. The audio-visual representation of news and information on TV are easier to grasp than that of other media.
What do I do with this electronic media? Well, I watch the news, documentaries, movies and music shows on TV. Many TV channels offer specialised programmes for people and among them, I find National Geographic, Discovery and the BBC very reliable and authentic source of information live broadcast ofsports events gives me great thrill. Commercial advertising and
Classified ads help me to grasp the knowledge of latest releases.
As we have a smart TV at our house, I often connect to the Internet and watch my favourite videos on YouTube or use an application like Skype to talk to a friend. With a smart TV, the possibility is virtually limitless.
The television is the primary source of news, information and entertainment for many around the world and TV channels are constantly working to educate people and let them know the local and international events. One can easily watch a TV programme while doing other tasks. This is quite impossible for other media like the print media or periodical . The variation of programmes is helpful for people to easily pick one’s favourite channels. We can watch live events and news on TV and with the advancement of technology, it has become easier for everyone to own a TV at home.
The main drawback of this media is that people become addicted to TV programmes and thus often stay indoors rather than going out and socialise. On top of that, politically biased news sometimes misleads people and causes unavoidable conflicts. Overwatching television has health-related issues and specifically harms children who watch TV programmes for long hours. Apart from that, international TV channels are often thought to be the reason for the cultural degradation of youths.