Appliance : a piece of equipment that performs a special task in the home
Sentence: the most expensive appliances are a stove, a refrigerator and a
washing machine.

Baking tray : a metal tray that slides into an oven, on which food can be cooked or heated up
Sentence: how many cookies can we bake on this baking

Barbecue : a cooking appliance for frying or grilling food outdoors
Sentence: did you put the gas bottle for the barbecue in the car?

Blender : an appliance for turning soft foods into a smooth liquid
Sentence: if you’ve got a blender, you can make milkshakes and smoothies.

Colander : a bowl with small holes in it, used for washing raw foods or draining boiled water from cooked foods
Sentence: boil the spaghetti in water for a few minutes and then pour the spaghetti and water into a colander.

Dishwasher : a machine that can wash kitchenware and tableware like dirty dishes
Sentence: our friends have dishwashers, but we wash the dishes by hand in the sink.

Fixture : a piece of equipment or furniture that’s fixed in one position
Sentence: the kitchen has the usual fixtures, including a sink, a bench, shelves, cupboards and drawers.

Grater : a kitchen tool with a surface full of small, sharp-edged holes that can cut food into tiny slices
Sentence: where do you keep your grater?

Spatula : a kitchen utensil with a handle at one end and a wide flat blade at the other for moving frying food
Sentence: turn the pancakes over with a spatula when they’re ready.

Tongs : a tool with two arms that can be pushed together to pick something up
Sentence: use the tongs to put food on customers’ plates, not your fingers!

Wok : a bowl-shaped metal frying pan from asia
Sentence: if you’re frying in a wok, you’ll need a curved spatula to stir with.