Steps to improve your IELTS Reading band score

improve your IELTS Reading band score
improve your IELTS Reading band score

Steps to improve your IELTS Reading band score

IELTS is mandatory to clear for the students or workers who want to go abroad for higher studies or working purpose. Beside, individuals who are not willing to go abroad also appear in this test because of many silent features of this test. The aim for both the category is same i.e. to score more in the test. So, we will discuss some steps to improve your IELTS Reading band score.

1) Learn to locate key words

A key word tells is a word that tells you about the main idea of the text. In the IELTS Reading test a word that creates a link between a question and the answer is called keyword. 

Keywords are the words that help you to locate the answer easily and without losing much time. Every question and the passage have the key words that help to locate the answer you just need to identify and match them to get your answer. For identifying a keyword there is no need to read every word you can take help of scanning technique.

One more thing you should keep in mind that a key word is not the actual answer but it only helps you to locate the answer. Once you identify a keyword then you have to read the passage to get your answer. Mostly key words are numbers, dates and names. However, synonyms are often used so you need to be on the lookout for these as well.

2) Stick to the time limit

IELTS Reading test is divided in three parts which means for Academic there will be 3 passages and for General Training there will 3-5 passages. From these passages you have to solve 40 questions in 60 minutes if we divide the time than you will have 20 minutes for each section.  

So if you want to attempt all the questions you have to stick to the time limits and if you devote more time than this you will not be able to answer all the questions. Moreover, as you move on the difficulty level of the test increase and it become hard to find the answers. For example the first passage of the test will be easiest and the last part will be the toughest and will need some extra time to solve the questions. 

To tackle this you should learn some time saving skills and also practice on daily basis to ensure that you answer all the questions in the exam.

3) Note your answers directly in answer sheet

Many students get confused about getting extra time to note your answers as you get in Listening. In IELTS Reading you will not get extra time to transfer your answers in the answer sheet so you should write the answers in the answer sheet as soon as you find it.

4) Don’t leave any question unanswered

If you get stuck on any question whose answer is difficult to locate and due to which your valuable time get wasted. You should leave this type of question and try to attempt in the end of the test and if you don’t get the time go with a logical and educative guess.  In IELTS there is no negative marking so there is no chance that your score will be deducted due to any wrong answer but if your guess goes right than you will get a mark for it.

5) Practice

For cracking IELTS test you should practice on daily basis. The thing is that your practice should be time bond i.e. you should give yourself 60 minutes to complete the whole test this will help you in the real exam as you will be habitual of solving the test in the given time.

improve your IELTS Reading band score


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

improve your IELTS Reading band score

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