IELTS Vocabulary
Centimeter – a unit of length equal to 0.01 of a meter.
Sentence – It is possible to achieve a density of half a billion interconnections per square centimeter.
Miscreant – someone who behaves badly or does not obey rules.
Sentence – There is no obvious means to force a miscreant out, since euro membership is designed to be irrevocable.
Felicity – happiness, luck, or a condition that produces positive results.
Sentence – Flora recollected Irena’s consternation with satisfaction and Felicity Green’s irritation with glee.
Phonic – using phonics as a method of teaching people to read.
Sentence – This course will also incorporate phonic rules to aid spelling and improve reading and pronunciation skills.
Assets – a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person.
Sentence – There is concern that police use the law to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.
Atrocious – of very bad quality.
Sentence – It was abominable, atavistic and atrocious, big, black and brutal, cruel cold and callous, and so on.
Utilitarianism – the system of thought that states that the best action or decision in a particular situation is the one that brings most advantages to the most people.
Sentence – Unfortunately, much of the drab utilitarianism of urban existence has come to be associated with the design philosophy of functionalism.
Corporal – of or relating to the body.
Sentence – Corporal Pocock opened the passenger door, leaned across and shot Fleischmann through the head.
Regnant – ruling at the present time or at a particular time, or relating to the period when a king, queen, etc. is ruling.
Sentence – So it is not only very necessary but also urgent to research and considerate the Party’s regnant compentency.
Ostracize – to avoid someone intentionally, or to prevent someone from taking part in the activities of a group.
Sentence – You can see that our word ostracize comes from this “sending away for a decade” which in turn takes its name from the shell-like fragments.
Pretext – a pretended reason for doing something that is used to hide the real reason.
Sentence – No constituency should be allowed to have an extraordinarily small electorate on the pretext that it comprises widely dispersed and isolated communities.
Citadel – a strong castle in or near a city, where people can shelter from danger, especially during a war.
Sentence – Having emptied the citadel of gold and silver he left Limoges and went off in search of new sources of pay for his mercenaries.
Tiresome – annoying and making you lose patience.
Sentence – This was relatively easy in the published bibliography, but made for many tiresome expansions online.
Syndicate – a group of people or companies who join together in order to share the cost of a particular business operation for which a large amount of money is needed.
Sentence – After the syndicate earned back the $ 25, 000, the brothers and the syndicate would share equally in the proceeds.
Abase – to make yourself seem to be less important or to not deserve respect.
Sentence – They can lapse into a forgetful toadyism, and abase themselves before their historical oppressors.
Usurious – A usurious price or rate of interest is one that is unfairly high.
Sentence – Among these, the usurious loan credit was the predominant and had deep influences on social and economic life.
Malign – causing or intending to cause harm or evil.
Sentence – The malign effects suffered by inbred animals show how evolution can exploit hidden diversity.
Photometry – the measurement of the strength of light.
Sentence – Photometry involves the measurement of luminous intensities of light sources and of the illumination of surfaces.
IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary