IELTS Vocabulary
About – on the subject of, or connected with.
Sentence – Stop worrying about their marriage-it isn’t your problem.
Constantly – all the time or often.
Sentence – Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
To overlook – to fail to notice or consider something or someone.
Sentence – Companies are so busy analyzing the financial implications that they overlook the effect on workers.
Barren – unable to produce plants or fruit.
Sentence – It always amazed her to see that other people could live so comfortably upon such barren territory.
Merciless – having or showing no mercy.
Sentence – In court, he was accused of being a merciless predator who had tricked his grandmother out of her savings.
Bizarre – very strange and unusual.
Sentence – Renshaw reveals 20 bizarre ways in which women have got their own back on former loved ones.
Continuous – without a pause or interruption.
Sentence – Recovery after the accident will be a continuous process that may take several months.
Maximum – being the largest amount or number allowed or possible.
Sentence – What’s the maximum amount of wine you’re allowed to take through customs duty – free ?
To mirror – to reflect.
Sentence – Still less is it intended to mirror the expectation of life of the deceased or his dependants.
Commencement – the beginning of something.
Sentence – It follows that one always knows the commencement date of a Community regulation without going outside the text of the regulation itself.
Dumb – stupid.
Sentence – They begged him to explain, but he remained dumb.
Usually – normal; happening, done, or used most often.
Sentence – Martinez, when she served, usually stayed on the baseline.
Becoming – used to say that something is attractive and suits the person wearing or doing it.
Sentence – The club’s constitution prevented women from becoming full members.
Concord – agreement and peace between countries and people.
Sentence – The difference is that concord particles precede the verb, whereas-5 is an inflectional suffix on the verb.
Always – every time or all the time.
Sentence – Let patience grow in your garden always.
Bashful – often feeling uncomfortable with other people and easily embarrassed.
Sentence – And we should not be bashful about its place in the current international art scene.
Daring – brave and taking risks.
Sentence – Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
To expire – If something that lasts for a fixed length of time expires, it comes to an end or stops being in use.
Sentence – Unfortunately, they allowed his notice to expire without further action and proceeded to recruit new employees.
Insufficient – not enough.
Sentence – The police have decided not to prefer charges against them because of insufficient evidence.
Signal – an action, movement, or sound that gives information, a message, a warning, or an order.
Sentence – They suffered from nervous tension when the signal was shown on a radarscope.
Foolish – unwise, stupid, or not showing good judgment.
Sentence – The accident was my fault-it would be foolish to pretend otherwise.
Candy – a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate, or a piece of this.
Sentence – He conciliated his angry daughter with a piece of candy.
Happily – in a happy way.
Sentence – In our life we are laughing more happily than anybody else. But when the crowd dissipates, we feel much more lonely than anybody else.
Word – a single unit of language that has meaning and can be spoken or written.
Sentence – The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity.
Inflow – the action of people or things arriving somewhere.
Sentence – The inflow to pension funds is combined with the inflow of funds to life assurance companies and is shown in cell 6/3.
IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary