Littering: to drop trash on the ground rather than put it in the trash bin.
Sentence- Person found littering should be punished.

To move into: to begin to live in a property.
Sentence- My friend recently moved into his new house and on this occasion he gave a grand party.

Permanent address: a fixed address.
Sentence- In all sorts of forms it’s mandatory to fill Permanent address.

Assign-to give a particular task to somebody to do.
Sentence- He was assigned a major project but he failed to complete it in the given time.

A bit- a little, a small amount.
Sentence- His house is a bit of a mess.

Awestruck-feeling very surprised or impressed by something.
Sentence- He was awestruck to see his birthday gift given by his parents.

Aquatic life- the creatures and plants that live in the water for most or all of their lifetime.
Sentence-The chemicals which the factory put into the river killed all the aquatic life.

Drizzle: light rain and falling steadily in fine drops.
Sentence- In a fraction of second light drizzling converted in heavy rain.