enjoy each other’s company: to like spending time with each other.
Sentence– John and Ruby are always together, they definitely enjoy each others company.

To be heavy-going: difficult to read
Sentence- The subtitles of English movies are heavy going

Half-board: if you request ‘half-board’ at a hotel, breakfast and dinner would be included in the hotel price (as part of the package).
Sentence– Some people who skip their lunch like half board facility.

To book (something): to arrange and confirm a place on a flight, a room in a hotel or a ticket for an event in the future.
Sentence– It is a good idea to book hotels and flight in advance to avoid last minute rush.

shoulder to cry on: someone who is always ready to listen to your problems.
Sentence– I am too frustrated I need a shoulder to cry on

To be a big reader: someone who reads a lot
Sentence- I am a big reader of filmy blogs as it give me the updation of new releases.

Charter flight: a cheap regular flight.
Sentence– As our budget was low for the holiday so we took a charter flight.

to break up: to end a relationship.
Sentence– Its very painful to break up with the child hood friends.