Alacrity: agerness.
Sentence: She is very alacrity to know about her results.

Feral: wild.
Sentence: He has a very feral thinking about life

Extol: praise.
Sentence: “Her mother extols her for good results”.

Incandescent: emitting a glowing light due to being heated.
Sentence: I am incandescent at the way I’ve been treated”

Bibliopole: a person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones.
Sentence: The renowned bibliopole of the city was known for his extensive collection of first-edition literary classics.

Defenestration: the act of throwing someone out of a window.
Sentence: He has governed so badly as to deserve automatic defenestration.

Umbra: the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an object.
Sentence: When the Moon is fully immersed in the umbra a total lunar eclipse occurs.

Cantankerous: often angry and annoyed.
Sentence: He’s getting a bit cantankerous in his old age.

Console: to comfort in a time of grief or distress.
Sentence: It is hard to console a parent who has lost a child

Damp: a little wet.
Sentence: I’ve just washed my hair and it’s still damp

Dive: to jump into something (water, generally).
Sentence: She made a dive for the fridge to quench her thirst.

Desk: a table used to work or study.
Sentence: in my first editorial job with the paper I worked on the sports desk.

Erupt: to happen suddenly.
Sentence: The first teeth to erupt are the incisors which appear at around 6-9 months.